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Everything posted by dad

  1. I could have told you about those weaknesses every time he got burnt toasted. Doesn't take an NFL scout to see those. I think he worked on too much strength stuff instead of more explosive stuff to put it way too simply.
  2. @Mach1 You are a saint with your patience. That is hilarious.
  3. Wait... so the attorney is saying it's ok to spank your kid so hard you bruise their ass... Naaaa...
  4. Home depot has a sale on these bad boys so I went ahead and ordered two of them. I will cut them so they clear the garage door. Haven't decided which direction I want to install them in terms of long way fore and aft from the garage door or laterally.
  5. Restored this lane cedar chest bought off Craigslist for my mother in law. Never doing one that started off painted again!
  6. I wanted to do this exactly (on both sides) but the ones I found online were too tall. I only have maximum of 14 inches before it would hit the garage door. I figured all I had to do was cut all four legs so that's an option. Did you cut these or is your garage door just lower from the ceiling than mine?
  7. I never considered running them with conduit externally that would certainly make it a lot easier on me to do. I wonder how often it’s done that way as opposed to running it through the attic and eaves. I plan to install 8 of them along the perimeter of the house at various angles so u would essentially have to have conduit for a big portion of the perimeter. Something to consider.
  8. Did you have someone else install/wire it all? I don't know how hard it's going to be to crawl through my attic in tight spaces for these corner areas and drill holes to run the wires and how to properly run them etc. I also don't want to pay someone $200 plus just to do something seemingly simple.
  9. Soooooo... haven't watched it yet. Please the first comment just rate it X/10 so I know if I should start touching myself (beforehand).
  10. It's pretty telling when I still can't find any spring game highlights video. FML
  11. I'm very triggered right now. I blame Gilbert for the last decade of suck. Nobody wanted to play on a team with a shitty QB. It ALL starts with the QB.
  12. After a little research I think i'm honing in on this bad boy 4K Ultra HD 8 Channel Security System with 8 Ultra HD 4K (8MP) Outdoor Audio Metal Cameras, 150ft Color Night Vision It's $680 shipped after an online coupon which doesn't seem bad for how fucking awesome these things are. https://www.lorextechnology.com/hd-dvr-mpx-cameras/4k-8mp-hd-camera-home-security-system/4KMPX88-1-p?gclid=CjwKCAjwkcblBRB_EiwAFmfyy4irk2cQkDisNpy4dH4j3jKUrCtGIiWklZFpTIoFhAvtNALDOriYThoCs4UQAvD_BwE
  13. What things do you prefer about the Nest over Arlo?
  14. So... lightning and lightning?
  15. Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. is a Chinese manufacturer and world's largest supplier of video surveillance products based in Hangzhou, China. Its controlling shares are owned by the Chinese government. Wikipedia Things that make you go hmmmm....
  16. I purchased two Ring cameras that were on sale recently but a co-worker told me that Arlo would allow me to save recorded videos up to a week whereas I don't think that feature is available on Ring. Before I go and install two cameras and later regret it and want to switch to Arlo, I'd like to hear about what your thoughts are on what you use at home. Thanks. Ideally I'm looking to NOT pay anything per month and if I could have it save the video to a local NAS device instead so that I could save as much as I want while also being able to access it online even better. Ideally I could access recent stuff online for immediate review abilities but at home I could go back further.
  17. Thinking of getting a cheap paint job on the old beater. Anyone have any suggestions on a dual action sander brand that they like using? Any other tips on removing peeling clear coat, bondo work etc. I've done a little bondo work in my high school days but I'm no expert. I just want to get the prep work done myself so that MAACO can hit it with a cheap paint job to last a few more years before I get a car that I really want.
  18. Then you touched yourself with your eyes closed assuming it was a stranger’s hand didn’t you.
  19. Holy shit how in the world did they live there. Must have been crack heads. I would want to be the kind of landlord that performs bi monthly inspections of the house. Can you write that into the lease?
  20. Good resource. This is where I obtained a lot of information used to draft the letter.
  21. For sure. And another reason why sending this letter will be great evidence. I also told them to put the mold in the inventory and condition form which they did. And the guy didn’t do anything about it yet or even mention it lol. They were waiting for test results but the form was due so they just stated visible mold or build up in vents and ducting. Lesson learned in their part but they should have mentioned this before renting and saved he head ache. They were in a rush though.
  22. Thanks for the tips. I will relay them to them. I’m assuming the whole ozone thing would be unnecessary if the vents get professionally cleaned?
  23. I’m not sure if they want to stay or not but as I stated above it’s less of a hassle and costly to stay. I’m assuming the guy will fix it either way. Moving means they will probably not get their deposit back just like the last people. Have to fight him to break the lease. Have to immediately pay another deposit elsewhere and first months rent. Rent another UHaul. It’s a lot of costs for someone who hasn’t even received their first check and who’s head is swirling from starting their first real job. They’ve already had to borrow several thousand dollars from my parents to get started. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Roger that, I will tell them to do just that. Although if he doesn’t budge after a phone call then I feel like the letter should immediately change from please clean this to you better allow us to break this lease and return the security deposit otherwise we are going to take you to small claims court and any fucking cough or lung issues we may have we are going to come after you to pay medically. Or maybe send that letter. Wait a month then jump to that kind of letter. Thus the clean request letter can serve as evidence if it does escalate to small claims issues. If he’s smart he’ll fucking pay the little $500 to clean it and even offer to pay the test fee on his own but I don’t think he is.
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