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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. I think the timing of the IRS targeting of Taibbi is funny relative to Trump's indictment. I obviously don't know, but its almost like the GOP had that outrage queued up and ready to drop as soon as Trump was arrested last week, then nothing happened, so they went ahead and dropped it, then the NY DA said, "Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids" and dropped the Trump indictment. Obligatory
  2. Not sure if this really belongs here because this dipshit was kind enough to get himself arrested before fully utilizing his stockpile of weaponry. https://mailchi.mp/austintexas.gov/apd-detectives-arrest-a-man-involved-in-a-road-rage-incident?e=9d4c6e8b1f FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 31, 2023 APD Detectives Arrest a Man Involved in a Road Rage Incident Case: 23-0300830 Time: 3:25 p.m. Date: Monday, January 30, 2023 Location: 5700 Block of S IH 35 SVRD Arrested: Austin Martin, White male, 23-years-old On Monday, January 30, 2023, at approximately 3:25 p.m., Austin Police Department (APD) officers responded to a call regarding a road rage incident in the 5700 block of S IH 35 SVRD. Someone called 911, stating that a man pulled a gun out and pointed it at two people in a different vehicle, including a child, while driving. Aggravated Assault Unit detectives identified the suspect as Austin Martin. Martin was arrested and charged with two counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. As the investigation continued, detectives conducted a warranted search of Martin's residence. During that search on March 29, 2023, 19 firearms were discovered.
  3. I actually don’t think you are wrong at all. Cloak room zeitgeist notwithstanding, for every 2-3 people that believe justice is finally being served, there will be 2-3 people who think this is a perversion of justice, and maybe 1-2 people who don’t have an already strongly formed opinion. Where you live geographically and virtually will play a large role in how much of each you see and what you ultimately believe. I just hope we have a televised trial, and that we can see unfiltered evidence from New York and an un-massaged Trump defense. I don’t want a portrayal of courtroom events from anyone. Let me be a juror at home and make up my own mind.
  4. Are we sure that’s all this is? I mean 34 counts in his indictment amid chatter that the Trump Org CFO might have flipped. If that’s true, I’m guessing he at least knows of a lot more illegality than porn star hush money.
  5. On the next... Arrested Development Former President Donald Trump is taken under the wing of White Power Bill… While Melania finally discovers what’s been missing in her life with a dignitary from Wakanda
  6. Interestingly enough, a spruce-topped, walnut-bodied, USA-made 1992 Guild D-30 showed up sorta locally today. Dreadnought, though. May have to see if I can check it out next week.
  7. "Peter Green's hands have been on it... Gary Moore's hands have been on it... But my hands? My hands are on your wallet."
  8. For only $20k, you too can own a genuine replica of the famous “Greeny” Les Paul…
  9. Lol, Is it mentally challenging to care so much about something that you are apathetic towards?
  10. Nope, not at all. Any response to the following?
  11. So this bi-partisan bill? So you presumably think this was a great measure with an appreciable effect on the problem, or you wouldn't be throwing it out as evidence that Republicans are doing something about the rise of mass shootings. How, then, do you reconcile in your mind that only 6% of the Republicans members of the house voted for this awesome piece of meaningful legislation? Is Tony Gonzalez your representative? Did you vote for him in both primary and general election? Did you withhold any votes from Republicans that voted against this measure?
  12. Dude, help me out here. Link to some posts in this thread or news articles and otherwise show me the changes R's have made since Uvalde. I'm an open minded person. I'm willing to say, "Wow, I didn't know that. I was wrong. Sorry." This is your chance to make headway with someone who isn't a left-wing zealot.
  13. So as an R that votes R, what have the people you have voted for done to address mass shootings? What laws and policies have they put in place to address the issue at hand in this thread? It doesn't have to be gun control. It could be a measure to increase mental healthcare funding. Or to provide funding for increased security at schools. Show us how the people you vote for are working to solve this problem: From my vantage point, I only see politicians of your ideology trying to delay any action, obfuscate the issue with culture war bullshit, and otherwise protect and deflect from guns at all costs -- all while collecting fat checks from the gun lobby. So please, educate me. Show me how the Republicans you vote for are instead actually working to make some meaningful difference in the rise of mass shootings in the US. If you can't or won't, then that shows that you really just don't give a shit. At least not enough to make it a priority on election day. That doesn't mean you killed the kids in Nashville, but it damn sure means you are part of the fucking problem.
  14. No one is arguing that people who are too stupid and lazy to contribute financially to society should be rewarded. You should start a thread about that. In this thread, about mass shootings, they are arguing that society should protect its children who are too young and powerless to defend themselves against an AR-15. Are you really this fucking stupid? Or is cognitive dissonance dictating you retreat to less conflicted ground?
  15. LOL, or don't? If you have a well, septic and electricity, it will be as comfortable as your house. This is just a way I've seen someone own and enjoy acres of land relatively cheaply in Texas: 75 acres, about half of it lakes full of bass and panfish, with a place for the whole family to stay that is air conditioned, has working water, shower & shitter, and costs less than $1000 a year in property taxes because ag exemption and no permanent dwelling. A portable electric fence with solar charge box would keep your "yard" around the camper free of cow shit.
  16. Buy rural land, lease it for grazing to get an agriculture exemption and put a camper or mobile home on it so that there is no dwelling for assessment. The taxes on your spot to escape out of town will be relatively cheap.
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