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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Capn81

  1. Great job today. Quality work to come up with a game plan and stick to it. Hats off to you
  2. Lulz. Don’t waste your time by going to this shit. Send a message.
  3. It could be me being blind to the fact, but I do not see Texas Football as being at the center. I see it being part of the whole. I think, if you ask the AD at both OSU and Bama, they would tell you that football success trumps the other stuff going on. By a great distance. At Texas, I do not believe that you would get the same response. At least I am having a hard time believing it. Maybe my view mostly stems from how pathetic our football facilities have been for some time. There should be nobody with better football facilities. And, of course you should try to have everything.
  4. This might be what you mean be aligned, but those schools have football as the center of the universe. So it might not be a separate department, but football is the department. We don’t have that here, for better or worse.
  5. I grabbed the line at -1.5. I will be watching this one closely to see how the line moves through the end of the week.
  6. At least hold up through the end of the year dollar commitment. I asked how much it would be to make me whole, but I want the shit off my books asap. One charge, no more monthly payments.
  7. We need a live rooster to take the curse off Jose's glove and nobody seems to know what to get Millie or Jimmy for their wedding present.
  8. Directors cups as the goal is an absolute embarrassment. Not winning football games should be a game changer. Maybe you are right that the dumbshits who want Directors Cups will think that he is great, but one thing moves the the needle. Winning football games. Sunday morning edit: I’m a dumbass.
  9. I am literally envious of Wake Forest’s football program. Let that fucking sink in.
  10. Why would he do that? The disphits in the Texas organizing love his fundraising ass. Until fans roll him for being a fucking loser in football, nothing will matter.
  11. Congrats on not watching. Todays game put me over the top, finally. Fuck these dumb shits.
  12. The only god damn position that matters is clearly QB, pay it or stop wasting money. And yes, I will still keep wasting my money no matter where the money goes.
  13. You want to be a part of this fucking disaster?
  14. Dude is shit at his true one job. The fucking morons will point to his fundraising, while the rest of us will point to his terrible football performance. One matter and it is football wins. An addition to the football stadium, which looks horrible because nobody sits in the seats, is an embarrassment as his only true win. Win at football or get the fuck out.
  15. Capn81

    Joshua Moore

    Dude needs to get the fuck out.
  16. No, we are going to blame the fucking genius for not being able to score points in the second half of three straight games. We are going to blame him for keeping a shitass defense on the field too much in the second half because his fucking offense cannot get first downs. We are going to blame him for not being able to doing anything offensively outside of a fucking pregame script. We are going to blame him for getting out coached in the second half of EVERY FUCKING game.
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