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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hpara759

  1. Wind chill below 30 Saturday morn...glad I have no desire to stand out there....
  2. Hpara759

    Getting old sucks

    I'm old but my dad is even older (91). He fell Monday didn't break any bones but got a nasty skin tear on his arm. Talked to him right after it happened, and he seemed fine. Called him back the next day to check on him and he broke down over the phone telling me he didn't think it would be much longer before he couldn't take care of himself anymore. (never heard or saw in cry in 63 years).....damn it sux getting old.
  3. question....got a youngster family member coming to the game...he really likes Bevo....do they unload him and walk him into the stadium? And if so where does this happen?
  4. i came here for the TCU Show Girls
  5. dressed as Alice in Wonderland......she looked pretty good from a distance, haven't met her yet
  6. Nieghbor across the street was handing out fireball shots to the adults....78626
  7. 1. why are the game tickets on Stub Hub so high? 2. do you think the price will come down between now and Nov. 12th?
  8. Hpara759

    Getting old sucks

    there is treatment available:
  9. probably discussed somewhere in these 11 pages...... but can anyone tell me where to get uncooked turkey legs....and i want some big un's the ones I've seen at HEB are rather smallish
  10. just be aware (unless things have changed in the last 2 years) Costco hearing aids are "locked" and only they can adjust them.
  11. Oh we're going to win next week.. we are off next week and don't have to watch his shit show ass squatting on the sidelines the whole game
  12. Tire is toed out...has been curb checking....I would guess it is pulling as well
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