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Everything posted by Zepol87

  1. Pretty late here but holy shit that porn monitoring thing with your “son” is sick
  2. Motherfuck!! That looks amazing. Might be a little steel shankish but made some squash and zucchini ranchera. Simple and reminds me of the rancho
  3. By a lot more than a toe lol what a moron
  4. Damn I haven’t had a star crunch in a long ass time
  5. Same I knock both out yearly between Thanksgiving and Christmas
  6. I'm watching it on MLB app, which is the Bally broadcast. They at least follow the team day to day. Mark and David Murphy know the game and the history. Local channel sports talk is so bad. Amateur hour. Yea WFAA and Fox are both ducking terrible with this. They sound like morons
  7. Holy fucking shit this is awesome!!! God damn
  8. Yep one of the CU games "after dark" ended around 930 and the gf wanted to go out after and I was like wtf I would be in boxers in bed high as hell eating cheetos if I was a home was an eye opener, I am way too fucked up to go out. Also, SNF ending before 8 p.m. is weird one as well.
  9. Well I am still getting used to west coast timing with sports, I am fucking hammered in LA and it's only 945. Ready to fucking roll Texas style motherfuckers
  10. Just finished House of Usher, bodies was next on the list. Glad to see it’s holding up
  11. Got a little chilly and rainy yesterday in SoCal, decided to make Caldo de res.
  12. I did this once from DFW to Vegas. Found it in my jacket pocket in a checked bag once I got to hotel. Made that trip a little better
  13. Damn they are about to get fucked up. I have a coworker that lives in Colima and we flew him and his family to Dallas but he is freaking out about his family that is still there
  14. Definitely not the same person but we have kicked it a few times
  15. What a stupid discussion. Fuck the astros
  16. Good motherfucking morning. Fuck the Astros
  17. But but they would never!! Pussy bitch ass shit. They woke a mfer up that drops dick every swing not like bitch Yordan
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