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Everything posted by Pods

  1. He'll just come back as another sock account when you do. He gets too much validation from derailing conversation on this board He's unquestionably a troll, but at least he's a known commodity. Don't engage him seriously, but dunk on him from time to time exposing him for the rest of the board.
  2. Y'all have put up with so much bullshit from the same few dipshits repeatedly ruining it and adding tons of extra work for you. Start sending them to Douchebag Central for a few months, or at least make modifications to their title/username. Make the content of every post show up as "This poster is a selfish fucking moron that can't keep politics out of the DT".
  3. Why does he always look like a shaved chimpanzee who is halfway through taking a shit?
  4. That was the best part in the whole post and where they should have ended the story.
  5. Things tend not to stick to someone that sweats butter.
  6. Damn, they must have completely overhauled Anthropology curricula in the last few years. Who knew Australopithecines, Neanderthals and Denisovians used their stone tools to also create a Space Force? And then used those same stone tools to also hide all the evidence of the Caveman Space Force from the fossil record? We've clearly been underestimating the utility of stone tools for a long time. Also, I'm reserving the name Caveman Space Force as my karaoke band name.
  7. Pods


    Fuck Cuomo, his "praise" was for doing part of the bare minimum that should be expected of our elected leaders. He still fucked up tons more and got plenty of people killed. He should resign at a minimum. He only looked "good" in comparison to the ridiculously low colossal fail bar that is Donald J. Trump.
  8. My apologies, no offense was intended JJ. I meant it as a joke setting up another joke. I think we all know the worst posts on this topic, as so many others, are by @workswithseed.
  9. This is the dumbest post yet in the Hitler vs Stalin debates. It's obviously Hitler, his gas killed over 6 million people.
  10. He's going to need it. He must spend a fortune on hats.
  11. TX GQP refuses to expand Medicaid and refuses federal funding. Feds use a waiver to reimburse TX Govt anyway for uninsured patients going to emergency rooms. Trump is incredibly lazy and deluded about the election, so he didn't extend the waiver until right before leaving office. Biden admin realizes it's stupid to reimburse exorbitant emergency costs only and that the federal government is perversely rewarding the Texas Government for being obstinate dicks who refuse to join the 21st century and recognize access to medical care as a fundamental human right. Biden admin stops enabling TX GQP and rescinds extension of the waiver. Cornyn is butthurt, so now he's blocking Biden's nominee to oversee Medicaid, fucking it up for the whole country. The TX GQP is going to grandstand, but do nothing to get increase access to healthcare for Texans.
  12. Not at all what the CDC said. Here's their report, emphasis mine. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/more/science-and-research/surface-transmission.html
  13. His Hakuna Matata moment did not go as planned.
  14. Outrage clicks from fans of all the blueblood schools they put behind them.
  15. I don't think ears work very well in that situation anyway.
  16. Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't matter though, we only get to run this simulation once and it's already happened.
  17. Both MERS and SARS have animal reservoirs, both were squashed by competent international efforts led by the United States. We were going into month 4 of the pandemic at this point a year ago, so it was quite possibly already too late, but I'd still like the chance to re-run the simulation replacing Trump with a normal dipshit GOP (without Trump there is no Mike Flynn and no Q). Trump completely shit in the well with China and created an environment of blatant hostility between the governments. He compounded that by pulling the CDC out of China, including cancelling a position that trained Chinese field epidemiologists. Her position was cancelled effective Sept 2019, after she found out, she left in July 2019. https://www.businessinsider.com/us-cdc-cut-health-expert-job-china-months-before-coronavirus-2020-3?op=1 https://www.usnews.com/news/top-news/articles/2020-03-25/exclusive-us-slashed-cdc-staff-inside-china-prior-to-coronavirus-outbreak Even with that, Trump knew exactly how bad this was in January and blatantly lied. That doesn't happen with a normal GOP. Any other President in US history gets to work on isolating and eradicating Covid the second they find out about it. In January, there was still a good chance to contain this. Add in all the Trump political appointees and his overriding his own public health experts, poltical control of the CDC, fucked relationships with the WHO and the EU. None of that happens under a normal GOP President. I'm barely scratching the surface and don't want to prolong it, but It's impossible to overstate how much and how many ways Trump fucked our ability to respond.
  18. 100%, near virtual certainty. We passed this point a long time ago. Covid has far too many animal vectors it can hide out in. Even if we could somehow knock out every human case on the planet, it's still going to circulate in an animal host and reappear. McConnell/Fox and other right wing media left a malignant narcissist at the wheel and killed a shitload of people, with many yet to come. Unfortunately, elections do have consequences.
  19. Unfortunately, that part of the GOP is a living fossil. Romney survived the extinction event that got the rest of his kind, but he'll live out the rest of his days in exile.
  20. I'm so sorry to hear that immortal. Dogs are amazing and the bonds we form with herding dogs are particularly intense. The pain of their passing is dwarfed by the joy they brought during their lives, but man does it fucking hurt when it's time to let them go. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  21. Ups and downs, strikes and gutters, but trending in the right direction.
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