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Everything posted by Pods

  1. He's part of the troll brigade that has hijacked our dialogue at least since 2016. Whether he's a professional spewing misinformation for pay, or a citizen spewing it for fun, the results are indistinguishable from each other.
  2. LOL, the next two texts I got after that exchange were also about Joe Biden and dementia. Must be the talking points going around right now.
  3. Nope. I tried it yesterday. I'll spoiler the paraphrased response if you'd like to try guessing how it went. I've been in their ear about every detail about covid since early January 2020. At every step, I've been weeks to months ahead of the media and the right wing disinformation machine on topics and went over them as accurately as I could. I've also been accurate on my predictions and found common ground on as much as I could, which is a lot, because there are a lot of things fucked up here. None of it has made a difference. Unfortunately, it's not a logic problem and they can't be convinced with logic. I don't honestly expect to breakthrough with this topic, but they matter to me and I'm in it, even though I know I can't win it. Theirs is an emotional reaction and we can't hope to compete with the hours of self-indoctrination these people are subjecting themselves to. They are addicts and a bunch of them are about to addict themselves to death.
  4. This is why gerrymandering is an existential threat to our country. Many of these dipshits would be unelectable in a representative district, even in their state. Lumped in with other like minded zealots, the voters find a like minded clown to represent them. This perpetuates the cycle and drives the Overton Window further and further towards idiocy. The longer we leave gerrymandering unaddressed and sabotaging us, they worse it's going to get.
  5. The hospitalization number tracks with other worldwide data, expect it to go up to at least 15-20% soon and then substantially past that. Israel's covid hospitalizations have been ~50% vaccinated people for more than a month, but most of their population is vaccinated. Mississippi may be lower due to low vaxx rates. LA, Houston and Chicago were all bouncing around 15-20% of hospitalizations being vaccinated patients in the past few days. Expect to see lots of news stories about vaccinated people going to the hospital. It's going to happen. That death number is an extreme outlier. Also, note that 18% of deaths are vaccinated, but just 12% of hospitalizations. That's pretty weird and is very unlikely to hold over time for vaccinated patients. I think it's likely this is small data doing weird shit. Just like last time, deaths are going to trail hospitalization spikes by several weeks, but the countries that are substantially ahead of us on vaccinations and delta exposures are not showing death spikes in vaccinated patients. We've got co-morbidity issues that Israel and Gibraltar aren't packing around, so I think we will see more deaths than they did, but a big spike in vaccinated deaths would greatly surprise me.
  6. This shit is hilarious. I negged him and he found a random post of mine 8 or so pages back on a different thread within 45 seconds and negged back. I guess we've found his idiot savant skill. I was actually kind of impressed.
  7. Long covid is another end point that should be considered as well. We've done a remarkably poor job addressing it, considering it's a huge problem in "recovered" SARS and MERS patients and should have been anticipated the moment this disease was identified. Millions of people are now dealing with chronic health conditions impacting their brains, cardiovascular and/or digestive systems. One quarter of people that were mild enough not to require hospitalization have symptoms 2 months later. Hospitalized is even worse. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/08/health/long-covid-asymptomatic.html Anecdotally, a friend of mine has long covid and has had severe diarrhea for 6 months. They've lost almost 40 pounds and are now dangerously anorexic. Their doctor has no idea if/when they will have normal bowel function again. It's not hospitalization and it's not death, but it's a pretty nasty endpoint for them to deal with for the foreseeable future. It's why I'm wearing a mask, even though I'm fully vaccinated.
  8. It will, it's just going to be a while before the data is collected, analyzed, written, reviewed and published. The same signal has appeared strongly in every country, the vaccines are allowing infections at a reduced rate, but are squashing the fuck out of the death rate. Fully vaccinated people are still being hospitalized and some of them are dying, but at much lower rates than the unvaccinated.
  9. I think it's a consequence of the Democrat's usual lack of instinct for how to do much of anything. I have no idea when the next hearing will be, or what will be discussed, so something that should have enormous momentum, does not. They should have been ready to roll on an announced, regular schedule, preferably daily. I would personally have liked to have seen them bring day after day of officers in for testimony and going through their body cameras. Let the right wing misinformation machine attack cops day after day for weeks and let the American people see what really happened that day.
  10. Both Israel and Gibraltar vaccinated early and the Delta data from there seems to suggest the breakthroughs are mostly occurring in people between 4-6+ months after vaccination. Mostly. There's a bunch of caveats, this is predominantly older people and immunocompromised folks etc, so if anything, it should skew as losing effectiveness slightly earlier than we'll see in a normal population. The Israeli data looks bad, the UK data looks good. One big difference between them was time, Israel vaccinated earlier and there are many more people at the 4-6+ month mark than in the UK. Personally, I'd feel reasonably comfortable that I still had good protection from Delta via the vaccine two months after dose 2, especially if it was Moderna. I'd still mask up to keep viral load exposures low though. Valved N95s are back in stock and super comfortable with a paper one over it.
  11. From a month ago. The CDC is under tremendous pressure from the right wing misinformation machine. They didn't want to tell people to mask up, because they were worried it would kill vaccine demand. They are going to be slow on every major recommendation because of this. Mask up.
  12. This has been very powerful so far. My heart goes out to the officers that will deal with injuries and PTSD for the rest of their lives because of these traitors.
  13. Virgin birth aka parthenogenesis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthenogenesis It's been documented for fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds. It's an ancestral trait for vertebrates, so mammals theoretically can do it, but it's never been documented in natural conditions, only induced in the lab. This happened to a Komodo dragon a few years ago. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/virgin-birth-by-komodo-dragons
  14. Sucks that we are in this situation, where you are having to decide health issues in consultation with your doctor before the CDC updates their guidelines, but this is 100% what I'd be recommending any family or friends do, especially as they approach the 6 month post vaccination mark. Caveat that I'm not a doctor, so this isn't medical advice. I'm an evolutionary biologist and have obsessively read a lot of the papers on covid, including these. The data on these mixed vaccinations looks really good and hasn't changed materially in at least a month and a half. I agree with this. It's considerably overdue, as per usual so far in this pandemic. Frustrating that we discussed this a month ago and people are still waiting on the CDC to update their guidelines.
  15. So perfect. Even down to the detail where they are mad at you for pointing out the flaw in their Matrix. Immediately followed by them ending the conversation or changing the topic, usually to some other perceived grievance.
  16. Body slamming an actual reporter gets you elected governor of Montana.
  17. Also, Soros and Gates apparently just bought a testing company, Bill Gates wants to kill people with vaccines and his polio vaccine deliberately killed a bunch of kids in Africa. I wish I was kidding. All of the above is from this afternoon trying to get a close family member vaccinated. As you can see, it's not going terribly well. Those are highlights, I left quite a bit out. This is the "proof".
  18. Last I heard, it was in Mobile under this tree.
  19. Anyone know of a good kids N95, preferably valved? I can't find anything in stock.
  20. Completely agree. That's for the best case scenarios unfortunately. Months to a full year behind in other cases.
  21. If you are waiting on the CDC, or Fauci to tell you to mask up, you are making a mistake. They are caught in a catch-22. If they tell people to mask up again, they are worried people will lose confidence in the vaccine and the GQP will use it even more to attack vaccinations. Remove politics from it and they'd be advising masks for everyone right now, it's basic public health. Be smart for yourself and others. Mask up.
  22. Hope they get to spend some time in a for-profit prison.
  23. We're way past the point that football and basketball should be separated as minor league teams. Give them 4 years of eligibility. Pay them stipends to play. No school. Then, when their eligibility is done, give them 5+ years of full-ride scholarships to go to school. Throw in grad school too if they want it. That way the former players would know they need the education and take it seriously and actually have the time to pursue a useful degree. Guys that bust out of the pros will still have a support network to fall back on and build from.
  24. GRUHorn crowdsourced-->William Wallace created and crowdsourced-->sheeeit comes back I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
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