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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DDD Dad

  1. I don't often neg, but my trigger finger is getting itchy. Calling other posters stupid and whiny pussies (in addition to being misogynistic) is classic ad hominem and intellectually lazy. There has been a considerable history of lack of accountability on Trump for what has appeared to be a consistent pattern of illegal behavior throughout his lifetime. I'm not saying he'll never face consequences, but based on what I've seen so far, I'm pessimistic and will not be getting my hopes up unless and until it happens. If that makes me a whiny pussy then I guess I'm a whiny pussy.
  2. Yeah that last episode was pretty awful.
  3. Who is the miserable cunt that wrote this?
  4. I sent you a PM so as not to derail further.
  5. I think Derka may have hacked your account.
  6. You just described my brother-in-law. Dropped out of HS to marry girl he knocked up, lives in Wylie with his motorcycle and lots of guns and posts constantly the latest misinformation garbage on Twitter (though thankfully he blocked me a long time ago).
  7. 8 central I presume. Just like always.
  8. I’m guessing some of this is post production editing choices and the answers to your questions likely are on the cutting room floor.
  9. Would have loved for them to have done the movie with DDL and Marky Mark but it wouldn’t have fit the timeline.
  10. Nah there’s got to be something else.
  11. A little let down but I don’t know how they could have done it to not let me down somehow.
  12. Engineers posting on science fiction are as bad as Derka posting on Ted Lasso or lawyers posting on…just about anything. Change my mind. (eta I’m a lawyer)
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