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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. Now this is what I'm talking about. Offense deep in their own territory. Throw a bomb right? If you score great, if it gets picked, who cares.....UNLESS the other coach put in the kick6 team from Auburn and returns that fucker for a score. I tried ta told ya it changes everything!!!! And are you really gonna just lay the ball down? Really? REALLY? Ok, maybe you do.
  2. That's actually one I hadn't thought of, and what if the score is the last play of the game. hmmm, back to smoking pot again.
  3. So many of us wander around in life, not sure what to be. This guy had it figured out all along.
  4. People always complained about the NFL coin flip rule, that it wasn't fair who got the ball first. Now it's automatic. Do you hand the ball to the other team? Forced to score? Have to use your timeouts on offense? Changes the entire fucking dynamic of the last 2 mins....No more squatting on the ball, playing for overtime.
  5. I mean seriously, why would they not be named assteroids.
  6. MC Girls Girls Girls tour. Was at the front for opening act, no issues. When the Crue started, massive push to the front. My feet were off the ground and I got rotated 180 degrees with zero absolute control of what was happening. Face to face with some fat nasty chick, we got to see the horror and panic in each others face until we finally got spit out the side. Most scared I've ever been in my life and not even close.
  7. Did he ever play in any Patriot games?
  8. Awwwww memories.....feels like just a couple months ago.
  9. But wait, there's more. The pre Alex Jones show the other morning, hosted by Harrison Smith? actually was touting her as an up and comer to watch out for. Showed her fucking multiple red dress photos and fake disaster scientist/first responder bullshit......I thought I was in the twighlight zone
  10. Every fucking week at least once. Last one was the word "seven".
  11. this guy says intensive purposes, garnteed.
  12. He was looking back at QB for the pass, ran into me as I was trying to make the pick. Solid tackle imo.
  13. I wasn't alive yet, so yer wronguh. RIP MC, you were good.
  14. So it's obviously gonna be Holtz.
  15. Well can't blame the guy since his old man was sending bombs to people.
  16. oh they're first class pieces of shit, don't sell them short. https://www.wired.com/story/ebay-employees-charged-cyberstalking-harassment-campaign/ So I'm still selling things, just can't relist, update, etc. I got an offer on an item and took it, but a week has gone by and haven't received a single word. Normally I'd just open a case, wait a couple days, no payment, relist item and move on. Except I can't relist it. So now I've resorted to sending them a new invoice everyday. If they pay it, this is gonna get interesting.
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