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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. Agreed. I checked the Tech boards specifically to make sure we weren't contacting him lol
  2. I'm glad that I have numerous traffic violations in my past so that the gun nuts can point to me and say "well, duh, he was a criminal!" after I haul off and blast my neighbor for ringing my doorbell.
  3. There's a weird disconnect here, I learned to hunt when my age was in the single digits and I'm in my 40s, been doing it my entire life. I hunt a lot less nowadays now because I don't really enjoy killing animals anymore and it seems unnecessary, but that's another story. Shooting clays is fun, though, for sure. I learned to shoot with a bolt action .243 (wish I still had that gun for nostalgia purposes but some shitpile stole it when I was in my late teens). I was also taught that heart shots were the way to go, on deer at least, I don't know what people teach their kids nowadays. My grandpa was the executor of an estate that had a large ranch down in south TX (Carrizo Springs/Catarina area) that ran invitation only hunts, and my dad did the wildlife management down there. and I know for a fact that anyone that showed up with a semi-automatic rifle to hunt would have been laughed at and sent back home. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, who knows, but when I see a guy hunting with an AR-15 I am instantly suspicious of his character.
  4. When's Embiid gonna go take the MVP trophy down to Jokic and apologize for the mixup? Seriously just a complete joke that he got robbed because of voter fatigue.
  5. Anyone who says otherwise is fucking delusional. It's been that way for years.
  6. Was that fucking Larry David lmao
  7. How the fuck does anyone even think anything tangentially related to sexual thoughts about a fucking child? What the fuck man, 7 years old.
  8. I'm not sure how I missed this thread the first time around, MAC was a great poster, I'll miss him for sure
  9. My bad if I misread your intent, neg removed and I apologize.
  10. Shut up bitch go whine to blacklab about it
  11. Getting owned this hard should be grounds for a permaban tbh
  12. It's a great story, Bode was a great character. I didn't really expect the turn his arc took but it was great.
  13. I lean this way but I just don't know for sure. I've been in a crisis situation (armed robbery of a convenience store with no obvious escape routes, no one got hurt so not as serious as a mass shooting) before and managed to keep my cool, but you just never know what adrenaline is going to nudge you to do in the moment. These clowns that proudly proclaim how they'd take the shooter down either have 100% never been in a life or death situation, or are veterans without a lot of common sense.
  14. It's just as stupid as asking "why didn't the cop shoot the gun out of the guy's hand" (not a pro cop statement)
  15. Deep breaths. Try to get some good rest. Very sorry for your loss.
  16. It's a great game. I just finished the main story ~45 hours in, with 100% exploration (not collection) on each planet. They really took everything good about the first game and built on that, which is exactly what I was hoping for. I'm very glad that they mostly kept continuity with powers/abilities from the previous game, i.e. they didn't really regress Cal or BD's powers/abilities in the new game (some things go a bit backwards, but probably necessary for gating some of the exploration stuff) which is I think a lazy mistake that a lot of sequels make. I didn't spend tens of hours in your previous game to then build the same character from scratch in the next. Instead, there's mostly just more development in there building on top of what they learned/discovered in the first game. The environments are stunning, and I'm glad I was able to enjoy them after they fixed the PC performance issues. I'm hoping they do something like add more planets in DLC. Story was great, really stomps on the gas once you reach a certain point (if you've hit it, you know what I mean).
  17. I only knew who the guy was because of the LHN, but a couple guys I know that are pretty plugged into Texas sports have met him and said he was a wonderful guy, very sad news. You never know what someone is going through behind the scenes.
  18. CLEARLY the unparalleled god-tier intellect and tireless hard work of Texas Tech LEGEND Darvin Ham
  19. AD is such a freak when he's healthy 30/23/5/4
  20. Doesn't seem like the salient point
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