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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. We still got Willie Nelson
  2. Nivek


    I watch Shark Tank, and we got old lady, middle aged lady, white bald guy, immigrant son with good hair, black dude, and guy who sounds Cuban. So that means, 1/6th.
  3. That fucking hag knew exactly what she was doing. Crying about society and her curiosity is ridiculous. Look, I have heard jokes about checking that other kids driver's license on baseball teams, but it is only a joke and it demonstrates respect for the kids prowess. Usually the coach making that joke knows the kid. It also overshadows how fucking stupid and low conscientious republicans, they don't know the actual numbers on transgender athletes, and think it must be in the 10s of thousands because of the right wing propaganda machine. Nor do they even consider the fact that they could be wrong, or how offensive they really are. If know I would acquit if the girl beat the hag with a baseball bat until the hag's IQ improved.
  4. Threatening children, making fun of children, this is just par for the right wing discourse. Been going on for a long time.
  5. B.S. journals are nothing new. It is inevitable outcome when professors are required to publish x number of article/year. If you are in a niche research, your more prestigious journals may only offer 1 option a year to publish in it, otherwise you have to select an alternative, maybe one that is more industry focused, or one that is a few tiers down in prestige. Not having read the material or the journal in question (or the article posted) it is possible that someone is trying to create a new journal and is looking to fill it with their own work as they try to get it off the ground. It would make sense if that research area was more focused as well.
  6. That was the point. I could have wrote Mitsubishi instead. And Henry Ford wasn't alone in his Nazi sympathies. To their credit, those pre-war sympathetic folks turned against them post war and after learning more about what those fucks were doing, or at least, they no longer openly supported it and many of those groups lost their open audience. Here is a nice article, if slightly tangential.
  7. Guess who's back. back again. Disinformation Barbie is back, tell a friend.
  8. If we are talking about Musk, sure. He is and has been raised and rewarded for being a POS. His business practice demonstrated that when he hired the guy from Mercedes to revamp their production lines, and then fired him after he completed the task in order to screw him out of the money/bonuses. It was also apparent to anyone who knows a CEO of even a midtier size company how much work is involved, to know that it is impossible for a person to do the job for multiple organizations, that was just his hubris on display. His move to the right was entirely predictable.
  9. I think they look fine. I was just unimpressed by how stiff the suspension/ride is. But I live in Houston, and our roads are total shit.
  10. My guess is that when you start investigating you will find more reprehensible behavior from organizations you use or cannot avoid. Dupont's penis shrinking teflon, the chicken you eat being processed at plants where they dump fat foam in creeks, your cereal was created to stop you from touching yourself, your BMW which used forced jewish labor, etc.
  11. I suppose context would matter. If the drawings and musings about harming self/ others was something they heard about or joked about for years, then I could understand how they might not take it seriously on this day. Additionally, it can be a difficult thing to believe something is off with your kid even when the evidence is right there. But let’s get real. We don’t give a flying fuck about school shootings or stopping them. This just gives our sick society a red herring while we ignore the reality of the real causes and solutions at a macro scale. Putting the parents in jail won’t prevent the next one. And there will be many many more until we as a society stop worshipping stupid shit, stop celebrating indecency, and stop seeing threats everywhere, and stop ignoring real issues that matter in place of manufactured rage topics.
  12. Last week I contracted covid, just a few days before going for my booster. Ha. Headaches, chills for one night, congestion, cough, and fatigue. 3/5th of my house got sick. Fortunately, we were only really sick for 3 days, and mildly sick for 1-3 more. I would like to thank everyone for making this possible,
  13. I recall reading about Predator and how the actors would get up early to work out in secret to try an one up each other on set.
  14. It the US Supreme Court is taking a case to discuss my pay, I am a pretty happy motherfucker.
  15. Nivek


    Is it possible for the military to not disclose evidence if they think it will impact their acquisition of other targets? I imagine those methods might have a short shelf-life, and then release the information sometime in the future once the think its played out? Or they could be full of shit.
  16. Nivek


    Isn’t that why she ditched?
  17. FCS is understandable during alignment issues, even if it is less desirable.
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