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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. @DixonHur It is relatively rare? The national average of kids with LD’s is 15% of the student population. The issue is you might not be able to tell from afar. In your example, you are now requiring the state or a trust to manage money for someone who might not be able to do so. The whole thing gets real complicated real quick. This injection of cash to the state doesn’t address the fundamental issue of how the disparity of wealth was created and exacerbated and without addressing the tax code, it does no good at all. Just makes some people feel better.
  2. Going after inheritance is also wrong. Individuals who skimped and saved but then suddenly passed away likely didn’t give their children the advantages others had who relied on social security solely for their retirement. Also if parents have kids with disabilities you are dooming them solely to the mercy of the state to manage it. Efforts should be made to change the tax code and close the loopholes and shelters that are exploited.
  3. Individuals cannot close the income gap, but collectively we can help with government intervention. There is no political will to do so.
  4. What do they need that a layperson can get? Is it just cash? Seeing that video with the Abrams guy remarking about needing goggles made me wonder.
  5. Checked YouTube the other night and a couple of channels came up with pure Russian propaganda and comments. They have a broke down burned up Abrams and they were showing it off as if their stuff is superior to it. Because Ukraine lost one 40 year old version of the tank. They kept harping on the presence of one captured Abrams means their stuff is superior. Meanwhile we have numerous footage of older Bradleys taking out their tanks. Just like from the Gulf War 1.0 TOW missiles, but even funnier was the T90 losing to a Bradley without anti-tank missiles.
  6. I still recall him referring to those "suckas from Texas" as he cheered on USC. Seeing this picture is strange.
  7. Nivek


    It's Iceland, or the Philippines, or Hastings Or, or this place
  8. No fucking way. They have whores dressing up as soldiers. We have women soldiers.
  9. Pulled out the jammy and killed the punani And my jimmy runs deep, so deep So deep put her butt to sleep... (What MAGA thinks they hear)
  10. Remember, people think this is a NEWS channel.
  11. Shit I remember that song and the backstory.
  12. Give him some credit, that honeypot is a step up from what broke the NRA. From the look on his face, I’m guessing he never got laid even.
  13. Well I don't think you can make someone sign an NDA if there is something illegal that happened, but in that NDA the lawyers would insist it be written as consensual and not rape. But If you have been reading this thread, even if the worst attorneys in the world labeled it rape in the NDA, the judge would rule that part of the document prejudicial against the politician and put a gag on the defense. But this hypothetical happening has about as much of chance happening as me getting the lotto numbers.
  14. So if the defense is attacking her credibility and she has described the penis, then why can we not have it shown in court? Hunter Biden's tallywacker was shown in a higher forum with less privacy attached to it, Michael Jackson's junk was photographed as well back in the 90s. Let's get the dick out there and call up the ex-wives to describe the penis. If they match Daniel's testimony, then have we not established that the serial liar is lying again? This is the circus we want! Where is my bread?
  15. I don't think any of that anything but obvious. I do not love that gamesmanship is part of angling for wins. If they suddenly stopped doing this for him then it would certainly be a problem.
  16. Is that not normal?
  17. I will happily fuck off. I don't know why she clung to it, I don't know if she had her wits about her at the time. She praised Kavanaugh as fast as she possibly could for surrounding himself with all women, especially after that hearing of his when his accuser came forth. Either way, her judgement was fucking awful and underscores another issue with our government.
  18. Meh, Wildcat understood my layman's perspective much better. Let me liken it to something else. A while ago, the NCAA dragged their ass for 2 years to decide if Aaron Ross was allowed him to be eligible to play football at UT. A few weeks before the 2005 Title Game, the NCAA holds an emergency meeting to decide if Matt Leinart can play football in the title game. This is the type of shit that causes people to question the organization's integrity. I do not doubt there are reasons for what they are doing. I also think the optics are horrible. You see this as them trying to dot the i's and cross the t's, and I see it as them treating this case like something else. Let me defer to David Chappelle's more humorous perspective on it:
  19. The Titantic was a pretty robust ship until its rivets were compromised by a captain who put his own ego ahead of the safety of the passengers. That is our government and legal system. We even have a few Nevil Chamberlain's worried that he would get a boost by being jailed.
  20. This is both explicit in the inclusion of mallets, a far less lethal alternative to a rock hammer, and rocks (which could be intended for throwing). Clearly those geologists and their students are a menace and need to be arrested. They are well armed with both and keep an inordinate number of rocks around. Heck, I bet if you search their homes, those fuckfaces have rocks in their homes too maybe even boxes of them.
  21. We're all going out for ice cream Timmy, but we are not telling you where!
  22. It wasn't a perfect storm. It was a corruption by Mitch McConnell and his friends.
  23. Items that could be used as a weapon? So any student with a pencil should be arrested. All geology students should be arrested for having rock hammers.....
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