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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. That is easy the blame is obvious. The hard part is the dissonance where the parent is responsible for their kid getting maimed cause they let it play with an animal they have no defense against (their own pet). Might as well just get some rattlesnakes for pets.
  2. Good for her. I just hope she doesn’t go to Baylor or Colorado.
  3. and yet, if Jimbo were injured, someone else might have to take over. I want Jimbo healthy and coaching at aggy for another $300 million or 15 years.
  4. Ho Chi Minh never embraced communism as an ideology, he used it as a political necessity to overthrow the French. He came to us in the wake of WW1 and WW2 asking for our help in freeing Vietnam from the French.
  5. Rig 12 really tried to manufacture yards for Baylor. Gave them a free pass for holding but only called them on a play where it was going to be declined. Ignored intentional grounding and some obvious hands to the face. This conference sucks, and it's too bad it will 'survive' when we leave.
  6. There has been a whole lot of holding by that baylor offensive line. Enough to save them from a sack but not a pressure or bad pass.
  7. I guess wearing gold bars for sandals would be a little on the nose.
  8. This makes no sense. If the refs aren’t fucking up the review should cost the coach. Its not like he has infinite challenges.
  9. Why are all the left-wing child pervs getting ignored? /clap-clap-clap
  10. I have no ideas. Good Luck. We are all counting on you.
  11. Change the way you think about it, they are trying to funnel money to select industries. Oh the military wants 300 tanks, we'll give them 5000 and they will like it. But those tanks have to be made in my state, by my brother in laws company which donates to my campaign, hires me as a consultant, and pays for my parent's retirement. Or you get 0 tanks.
  12. It is better to think of Trickle-Down economics as a myth rather than an economic hypothesis or theory. The fundamental flaw with the idea is taught in high-school economics courses (rooted in the hamburger vs. steak discussion) and doesn't address the reality. A man, or a company, isn't going to hire or create a new business unless there is an economic incentive to do so. Tax incentives work to change behavior but must be specific and targeted. They would have made it conditional if they wanted hiring to be associated with tax cuts. The method they rolled out really showcases how they only sought to expand the wealth of the elite, push the costs, and reverse the trend of the growing middle class.
  13. Greg should sacrifice his salary for the better of society. He’ll feel good about this decision.
  14. Yeah, but if the product suffers, then the media tour isn't worth it. Going on an interview spree when you have a game ahead with an undefeated team that already took down a P5 conference member wasn't the best plan. Unless he got a VY or Bijan recruit out of the deal.
  15. I think that screenshot is from behind the goalposts with the other goalpost to the right side.
  16. Frank Black, Black Francis, Pixies, has probably deluded me into having some hope. Also, the math teacher, the one we originally had the biggest reaction to, has become our boy's biggest advocate within the school. I can tell she took the time to read up on anxiety and ASD and though she has no formal training, she appears to have a better grasp of it than many others do now.
  17. He seems like he turned into bo pelini jr. or maybe its the roids.
  18. Oh Susana, won't you play with me, I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee....
  19. Russia's relationships are all transactional. Those who deal with them are either doing so because they operate in the same way, they are puppet leaders, or they are trying to hedge their positions.
  20. Our latest Frank Black Middle School update. We just found out that they put him in all the wrong classes. He is supposed to be in the Vanguard program but was instead placed in AP classes. While there isn't much difference between the two, I was told by law, they were required to put him in Vanguard classes. So now he has classes with friends from OFE. The coordinator took him out during the middle of class. Stressed him out, so that my kid spent the rest of the day with a coordinator. The coordinator did not bother to tell us. When we complained he replied asked, "Do you want us to switch his schedule back." Not acknowledging how he fucked up and ruined yet another day for the boy. We also found out that they didn't actually bother to review his IEP until after the school year started (original teachers) by about a week. I reached out to all of his teachers and asked about the transition and materials and one teacher replied back curtly, that I sent her the wrong request and clarified her name, never bothering to check. The secondary coordinator was out of the office for training this week and had no idea how to help. Another teacher replied, gave him credit for the work he did, and sent out this week's assignments. So 20% of the core classes responded. I am sure we will get to have all of the IEP discussions again, because if a teacher cannot even be bothered to check her roster before telling me I am wrong, then I am unlikely to believe she will bother to put in the effort willingly. My wife had such high hopes, she knew her because our daughters are in the same grade at OFE. Let's see what this week brings.
  21. Dude, don't tell him his daughter is a stripper. Just let him figure it out on his own.
  22. Their privacy was sacrosanct. Your privacy, not so much.
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