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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. This is going to end with a Texas win. Jamal Lord light will fuck up.
  2. See that worthy, wittingham you fucking bums.
  3. I dont want to hear about our wr room again.
  4. I am sure Derka will be here to explain why its quinn’s fault. J/k
  5. Wagner is getting the shit kicked out of it by Navy. I heard this was expected since they lost their coach in a plane crash.
  6. I want to be supportive so let me pass on some wisdom my FIL shared with me. "I am going to go here/pick up food from here, at this time, and I'm buying." There is no debate or discussion. I do this in my own home, or when I visit my parents/siblings.
  7. My wife talked me down and took the lead. I typed a few paragraphs about being inappropriate, distressing our kid, and provoking anxiety when he is in a difficult enough transition only to witness a fistfight on the first day of school and how that impacted not only our kid but some of his friends (who are not ASD). My wife wrote the rest up and then contacted everyone she could and attached the syllabus of 2 different teachers to show how anxiety-provoking/hostile the math teacher's syllabus was. We were in the process of switching teachers when they fucked that up. The teacher seemed to be oblivious to her own perception and reached out to us. Our kid came home, having expected a new schedule, but said it was fine and to keep the current one. The teacher was trying to be nicer and more accommodating. Some other parents we know reached out as well, but went straight to the principal and the 6th grade dean. It seems to have worked for them as well. Everyone is cautiously optimistic. Please tell me that is a joke. With this school district, i cannot My wife talked me down and took the lead. I typed a few paragraphs about being inappropriate, distressing our kid, and provoking anxiety when he is in a difficult enough transition only to witness a fistfight on the first day of school and how that impacted not only our kid but some of his friends (who are not ASD). My wife wrote the rest up and then contacted everyone she could and attached the syllabus of 2 different teachers to show how anxiety-provoking/hostile the math teacher's syllabus was. We were in the process of switching teachers when they fucked that up. The teacher seemed to be oblivious to her own perception and reached out to us. Our kid came home, having expected a new schedule, but said it was fine and to keep the current one. The teacher was trying to be nicer and more accommodating. Some other parents we know reached out as well, but went straight to the principal and the 6th grade dean. It seems to have worked for them as well. Everyone is cautiously optimistic. Please tell me that is a joke. W is school district, i cannot
  8. No, it doesn't. Failure = charges filed. Don't be in the military and you don't have to worry about being a thief.
  9. My wife helped our 6th grader organize his back pack, with folders, notebooks, etc. It is perfect for her. Yesterday, he comes home talking about what he needs for school and how he can’t find stuff. I listen and suggest a little notepad. She chimes in on how we can get him a day planner with a calendar etc. I can see his expression. We let her finish, she is really excited about this, but I simply reminder her of another concern of hers is the weight of his backpack, the size of a little notepad…. She wants to tell me I am wrong but…. knows I have a better idea here, so she goes quiet for a moment. This morning she reminds me of the day planner idea, ————————— This morning she tells me we need a new car. The reason, she got a ticket. See, if we had a new car and not an older pos that she keeps getting into accidents with, she might not get a ticketed for breaking the law! Seems logical to me.
  10. Not so sure I agree. I still like the Aniken/Vader character and we don’t know how this will play out. He simply could be a memory of hers reminding her of their early challenges and attachments to one another that was different from the other Jedi (luminara/baris) and how those attachments can be both rewarding and risky in times of conflict.
  11. I prefer to call him Captain Comma, but I, a mere Surly poster, of moderate reputation, can only dream of his excesses.
  12. So what you are saying is that we should drop Schlitz beer bottles into the minefields and let the Russians detonate the mines trying to get them? So what you are saying is that we should drop Schlitz beer bottles into the minefields and let the Russians detonate the mines trying to get them?
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