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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. don't leave out pushing children into a river, booby trapping a river crossing, drowning minors, and causing forced spontaneous abortions.
  2. Please come out in the wishbone.
  3. It is false to just put this on white men. Anyone who votes Republican is part of the problem, since the 80s they have been undermining faith in our institutions, media, and education and growing the income gap between the haves and the have nots. They have been the victims of right wing propaganda that they then perpetuate. It truly isn’t a white male problem. It is a Republican problem.
  4. As a former tech guy it was amazing how sales people would fuck up so badly and skate from responsibility. Not following up on leads. Not calling the customer after. Not keeping in touch during the project. Not showing up for the presentation, getting the wrong time for a meeting, setting the wrong agenda, not being prepared at all, etc. The good sales people were always on top of stuff like this. They were a huge asset to the organization and helped build relationships beyond what the tech guys could do. The mediocre to bad sales people rode their coattails and undid so much goodwill and then tried to blame the service/product for not working. I have told people point blank, “this won’t work”. Sales were pissed, client was pissed. I have told them, I don’t know if this will work but we can minimize the risk to you by doing x, or cutting costs by doing y. Shit the good sales people were miles ahead of me on. The only challenge was sometimes they would try to push the science/technology beyond what we could do at the moment, or what we could offer. Those were fun conversations to have in front of the client when shit didn’t work, it wasn’t vetted, and everyone is pissed off at you for not polishing the turd from the north west territories in your downtime while having an idiot boss ask you to do impossibly stupid tasks which were a total waste of effort, only to then have them wonder why it didn’t work and then the next few days wonder why you did what they asked because they forgot the conversation and your objections.
  5. From what I understand, in the North the Ukrainians have solidified their defense but if they fall back they will have the high ground and can really reign hell on the invaders. This attack up here is to try to pull reserves from the south who are ramping up for the punch through. Because of the strength of the North and their ability to fall back and give ground to create another meat grinder, Ukraine should be fine. But that was from a few days ago. Who knows how valid it is anymore.
  6. From what I read, rats are better than dogs. Lighter, and they don’t form such strong attachments to individual handlers so they can stay out longer.
  7. You get a bunch of shitty cars and some bricks and then point them at the mine field…. And fill them with Russian pows.
  8. It’s like a Zen Koan, only instead of enlightenment you become dumber.
  9. if God/Jesus exists, I am going to kick his lily ass.
  10. Ref fuckery is worth more than 2 points. Some of our games we needed about 11.5 yards for a first while our opponents needed only about 8.5.
  11. I’m sorry I forgot how stupid tech fans can be. Let me use smaller words. Texas wanted the rules applied evenly. Full stop. If horns down is not a penalty, than guns down/holstered should not be a penalty. If guns up is not a penalty, horns up is not a penalty. If that was too technical for you let me put that into my tech compiler… Her dur derka dur her duhhh muh meh cuz hur duhr zool blahhhh
  12. Sabine is still a Mandolorian, and Ahsoka formerly led troops into battle. She could scrounge up some folks to join her with Hera’s help. Inquisitor looked like a dude to me.
  13. Congratulations! They are fun at every age.
  14. Maybe they like soldiers who weren’t killed. Who am I kidding, they don’t give a fuck.
  15. HISD is going well. Rumor is they let go a bunch of SPED/Autism specialist teachers. At Oak Forest Elementary, they lost their only trained Special Ed teacher (let her go), took away a teacher from 4th grade who is not special Ed trained to do her job, and increased class sizes so there are 28 kids in each class. The “standard” for Texas is supposed to be 22 kids/class. They are hell bent on fucking over the kids, the special needs kids, and the school system.
  16. If Deloss Dodds was running the B12 like a dictator, why did it take a decade plus to try to get consistency out of taunting penalties? Why are we having officiating issues within the conference where holding is not being properly and evenly applied? Why did Texas not play for the title in 2008 vs. Florida? Where is the conference network that Dodds pitched? The narrative that Texas is a poor conference mate is false. Texas didn’t accept a bribe to stay in the conference. Texas did look to leave along with other conference mates in a package deal when the future of the conference was uncertain. But all that did was create resentment from the irate 8. The officiating fuckery ramped up, and the leadership was happy to piss off Texas and OUsux for years. Then y’all acted shocked when both schools opted to leave together. You need us more than we needed you. Aggy, Mizzou, Colorado, and Nebraska ditched the conference, aggy did so after promising to commit to the conference and taking a bribe. And when they left, the process was by and large fairly easy, not dragged out for years. Aggy’s buyout was about the same as the bribe they got to commit the year before, the bribe Texas and OU rejected. So while I too liked the first iteration of the B12, the ultimate reason for its loss of several members is squarely on the conference leadership and the people who allowed them to piss off member institutions. Oh and if you think wrestlemania dipshit won’t be coming for you, you are delusional. They always stir up shit, because the product on the field isn’t so compelling without it.
  17. Another competent woman politician torpedoed by her husband’s actions. She should just divorce him and keep the job. He is trash anyway,
  18. Tom Herman did him a solid moving him to RB.
  19. Seems to me there is a little inconsistency with Ahsoka rejecting baby yoda because he had some baggage and attachment, but her accepting Sabine again and remarking that they are doing it for Ezra.
  20. It would be a great send-off to run the jumbotron with the absolute fuckery in officiating, have the band play Yakitty Sax while the Yormark/Weiser statements are read over the jumbotron and take an ad out during the game to show it live. If Texas or OU does win the trophy this is how the ceremony should go: Also, add B12 logos to every toilet and urinal on campus. Yormark, Bowlsby, and Weisers faces could be added to the trash cans around the stadium.
  21. If it was Ezra, then Thrawn could have made his way back, or Ezra could have guided them. Plus if Ezra falls to the dark side, I think he is going to be more like Dooku than a sidekick's sidekick.
  22. The best part of waking up is CDC in my cup?
  23. Don’t forget that the second in command also made statements against Texas earlier this year. So that is the top two. And based on the past, I would think it hatred and bias against Texas and moral flexibility were the hiring criteria, competency surely isn’t. Hell the Tim Weiser guy cheated KSU while he was there. Texas and OUsux should remove all Big 12 logos from the uniforms and stadiums as part of the exit process. Just be cunty as hell back and open as to why. “I am not saying the conference is corrupt or the officials are betting on the games, but it sure seems that way, should be how every interview starts.” Followed by the comments of yomark and weiser.
  24. The Pac12 was basically broken by the exit of USC/UCLA, and still, they did not behave in such a way.
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