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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. Quick turn around can happen when there is talent on the field and on the bench, or when there are a few missing pieces including a coaching deficiency. But if it is a overhaul that is needed, that takes time.
  2. But will there be gorilla boofing?
  3. Bloat and corruption would be fine to target. But this seems more like an opportunity to disenfranchise teachers, funnel money to his friends, limit oversight, reduce qualifications, reduce educating standards and play politics at the local level to punish voters who don’t like them. This is a play to damage the schools and then point to how our schools are damaged and try to funnel money to charter schools who have even lower oversight. But I am just a cynic.
  4. The latest I heard is disturbing. HISD wants to rewrite the rules to allow Miles to lead it since he lacks the qualifications, they are also seeking the ability to spend up to $2 million on a project without board approval (which is an order of magnitude greater than previously allowed). They are having hearings all over, but it sounds like the new board is a bunch of yes-men who are there to just listen and smile while they feign concern and then do whatever Miles wants. Some additional fuckery with regard to libraries and more emphasis on just hiring bodies instead of hiring teachers, understanding why they have a shortage, and they are not even trying to get them emergency certified which was a previous system that was in place is various ISD's (including Dallas).
  5. Sure they will, just invite the press first.
  6. Ha, that’s been the plan, but hot tamales due to the taste reduction and Netflix because she if spacey.
  7. Nah, it was funny. I suppose I am doing a shit attempt to communicate. I guess what I am wondering is how one defines success and precision and yet, its not like the otherside is going to help one calculate the effectiveness of each weapon system. So there will be a lot of gray area. But if artillery is used to clear safe paths through minefields as well as to harass trench diggers, those numbers/benefits would be hard to find/define as well. Just curious.
  8. This was a Tahoe talking point years ago.
  9. My wife and daughter (9) are both sick and having quite a few symptoms. My wife also has the dancing sickness where she feels the need to come to the living room and touch too much stuff rather than keep away from the boys who are all negative. Daughter has fever, neighbor kid had a fever, congestion, etc. We all caught it last year, except my eldest (11) who has managed to avoid it. Natural immunity is overrated.
  10. The math isn’t the issue. I guess I am more interested in kills/damage caused per round.
  11. Are there reports on the success of this tactic on 'softening' resistance or how successful it is at destroying russian equipment? It seems that the softening aspect seems relatively ambiguous.
  12. I guess I just don't understand enough about artillery and how or why they are used this way. It seems to remind me of volleyfire from the inline combat days.
  13. https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/720d4d39-26f9-4b5b-bec9-4a1f68f16a3d
  14. Lawyers manipulate procedures and friendly judges allow it?
  15. 8000 artillery rounds/day seems like a ridiculous amount. It sounds like they are not even getting 1/4 kill per round. What is the point of that? It doesn't seem to stop the Russians from digging in more trenches
  16. Number one in education? Haha. Desperate for attention as his campaign is over.
  17. Do any of us? We didn't do a damn thing to punish Baylor. Those fucks should have been relegated to oblivion, but they weren't. Penn State was made out to be a victim of the persecution by several cfb media outlets. The NCAA doesn't have any teeth or integrity, and they are afraid of lawsuits mostly because they would rather just keep reaping the low-effort cash flow they have going on as opposed to limiting some of that cash with fighting lawsuits. They took forever and dicked around with Aaron Ross' eligibility yet were right there immediately reviewing the Matt Leinart eligibility case on the eve of the title game. They are corrupt. It should have gone into a pile and they should have ruled him ineligible until they cleared every other fucking case that came before his. They punish the weaker schools that cannot fight back. They punish a program for a coach lending a shitty car to see his sick family member but turn a blind eye to the explicit obvious rampant cheating that was going on at Miami, Ole Miss, aggy, OUsux, and so on.
  18. Well from earlier reports the Ukranians remarked about how they survived in Bradleys which made it seem like the BMPs were death traps by comparison. To the West, the most valuable thing in a tank/av or any other vehicle are the people inside. We can manufacture more equipment. To the russian, the most valuable thing is the gun on the vehicle, they just replace the crew with more untrained conscripts.
  19. I killed two men with an axe just like that one. But my doctor says I’m getting better.
  20. The pack cooperative abilities really help the wolves in this case. In nature, 2 younger inexperienced male lions, are at a disadvantage vs. 10-20 hyenas, but with age and experience the hyenas are at a disadvantage. One male lion healthy lion will walk in and take the food from 20 hyenas on its own and still might kill a hyena or two in the process. Hyenas have about 10% greater bite force, weigh about 80-120 lbs (some estimates go up to 190lbs but this seems like an outlier) whereas lions range from 330-500 lbs. Lions are faster in short ranges but hyenas have more stamina. Hyenas are very similar to wolves with respect to how they operate. Cougars (male adult) are between 120-220 lbs. Which is less than the weight of a lioness or juvenile male lion which the Hyenas routinely fight with. Given this analog I would go for wolves over cougars.
  21. Most of the voting people off shows or cash grab shows are like this. It is a tired concept. A straightforward task or watching people pull in the same direction for a common goal is what makes sports fun. But I suppose I am not the target audience.
  22. Mike Leached joked about that game. If someone stole LSU’s playbook and someone else stole Alabama’s playbook and the thieves sent the playbooks to the opposite coaches, the outcome would still have been the same.
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