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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 1978horn

  1. So the shooter is allegedly in the reserves, a firearms instructor , and a tactical trainer…at least he is well regulated militia.
  2. It’s a different kind of paid and bought…
  3. Been raining good between Austin and Drippjng for about 45 minutes. Local consumer weather stations near me are showing between .5-1 inch so far.
  4. Have a senior right now and he is in the middle of applying to schools. I went to UT and there is no way I would get in now. He is no where near top 10% only for lack of trying and the school he goes to is extremely competitive. He is in the top 10% of SAT scores and he has no interest in AP courses unless they are a subject he likes. He is a brilliant kid...skips a generation, my dad went to Dartmouth. That being said I work for a university that pays his tuition where I am, so we are fortunate. The university also has a tuition exchange program where he can go to other schools with tuition paid. He will probably end up where I work, but he has the option for a ton of other schools. It is not UT, but he will get out of school debt free. That is all I can ask now a days.
  5. Had leftover dried chilies from making chili w/o beans last weekend, so decided to make birria tacos. Hadn’t tried making them before and they turned out fantastic. Used a combo of chuck roast and short ribs.
  6. Decided to make some today for the game. Used a combo of the JJ recipe on page 1 and then my own stuff added. Wish it was a little more spicy, but had a ton of flavor.
  7. Kids are dropping like flies in our school District. Son brought it home and I have had it since Thursday night. Used an old test for both my son and myself and it popped almost immediately. Son got over it in a couple days. Hoping tomorrow is better for me.
  8. Looks like Murphy put his helmet on to start warming up
  9. I was talking about this with some folks the other day. What was the result of the hearing?
  10. My mother passed away last week and my Dad thought it was time to start giving stuff away. He gave me a lot of my grandfathers service records from WWII along with some other things. The one thing that I have always wanted to keep in the family is a piece of flak that struck my grandfather in the chest on one of his 35 missions. The flak and his mission list is posted below. The picture of the mission list is a scan, but I have the real one that is pretty delicate, so didn’t want to handle it. I remember looking at it as a young boy in amazement and one of my greatest regrets in life is not talking with my grandfather about the war. I have no idea if he would have been open to it, but he died when I was 18 and I didn’t have the sense to talk with him at that age. I have some other things that I’ll post in the future, but this is the most treasured to me.
  11. Total looks to be 2-2.5 inches of rain in just over an hour. Lots of pea sized hail and the 13 yr old woke up and asked if we were about to die since it was so loud.
  12. Went from just a little hail to covering my yard.
  13. Been going for over and hour in dripping with pea sized hail the last 15 minutes. We are over an inch of rain so far
  14. pretty good rain in the Dripping area for about an hour. I would guess between .5 and 1 inch of rain between 1pm and 2pm
  15. I bet it has to do with the new rules that the FTC implemented. If you want some fun reading then google 10DLC. Phone numbers need to be registered by the company that owns the number. Some cellular carriers are following the rules and some aren't. It is supposed to help SPAM texts.
  16. Do we get a bracket of who is eligible to be on the committee and then we vote on that?
  17. Yep, I don't even get pizza when I go to Homeslice.
  18. Had the "is a taco a sandwich conversation with the 17yr old man child" after reading this thread. He insists that it is not because it is one continuous piece of bread and therefore not a sandwich. I like the way he thinks, but not sure I agree with him yet. It would also knock out some really good "sandwiches" if I choose to agree.
  19. This right here. I love some thick bacon, but it is not the best for this type of thing.
  20. I would just assume that any pastrami worth it would be on Rye.
  21. You are absolutely right. I am self diagnosed dyslexic and probably passed down a lot of other crap, ADHD included. I use that damn red line to auto correct spelling all the time. It doesn't help that I am also color blind.
  22. How the hell do you match DNA from a crime scene and not look for the guy?
  23. My 6th grade daughter failed the English portion last year and the school said she had to come into summer school. We talked to a teacher friend in the district and told us that was bullshit. She was able to keep all her electives and they put her in an Inclusion English class. During class she was pulled aside at various times with other kids in the same situation and then made up the 30 hours during the school year. We didn't get notice this year that she "may" have failed so it seems to be a good thing. I don't know if all districts have inclusion classes or not. The silver lining on it was that we had been telling the school that she might have dyslexia for years. They tested her in 4th grade and she didn't qualify. We brought it up again when she failed and they did a more comprehensive test which showed that she does qualify for help with dyslexia. She will have to loose an elective next year as there is now a "dyslexia" class, but there are 4 electives and she is in the 2 that matter most so she doesn't care.
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