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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SuckitKevin

  1. This is where I’m at. Are our lb’s that bad or poorly coached? How long does it take to recognize what they’re doing and add an extra db? In other words, coaching seems to suck. DL is fine, no one can get to the qb when he releases the ball as quickly as he did due to soft or poor coverage.
  2. I’m a little newer to the craft beer game and I haven’t traveled all over the world but Yellow Rose IPA made by Lone Pint is fucking delicious.
  3. Part of the problem that I’ve seen is that 40-50 ppl in the ER should be significantly less. I can’t tell you how many 911calls I’ve been on where the person only called because they got a positive Covid test result. Asymptomatic people think they need to call 911 or go to the ER simply because they are positive with no symptoms and are only spreading the virus unnecessarily. Common sense isn’t so common.
  4. Lone Pint Yellow Rose is definitely one of my faves, good choice.
  5. I can do simple woodworking but I wish I could do more refined work. My uncle was a master, he built me a beautiful swing 20 years ago that I still have on the back porch. I keep looking at it wanting to try to replicate it but knowing I will probably just fuck it up.
  6. Back in high school my friends and I would play basketball at Pickwell Park in San Antonio. That place ain’t for the faint of heart, some games ended up with bottles being broken and lives being threatened. It was a tough neighborhood but a lot of good hardworking folks lived in the area. There was a kid that we went to school with that was 2 years younger than us that lived down the street. When the park was full we’d head over to his house to play in his driveway. He was a nice kid with normal hardworking parents but definitely lower middle class. Fast forward to when I was 20 and he had just graduated from high school. He was trying to get into the Navy but was told he needed to lose some weight first. He was one of our offensive linemen on the football team. I would see him jog around the park occasionally working on his weight. He meanwhile got a job at a local Bill Millers. The story I heard was he made friends with some bad people there that were gang affiliated. They took him out one night and got him high as shit, put a gun in his hand and told him to shoot out the window at a house they had targeted because a rival member lived there. He ended up killing a 16 yr old girl at her birthday slumber party. Got life in jail. I never thought it would have happened to this guy.
  7. So, I dealt with the cruise ship and Chinese embassy evacuees when they came to San Antonio. If someone tested positive they were separated from others. Very few, (I would say 15-20%) of the positives were symptomatic. It is why I believe there have been tons of people who contracted Covid 19 and didn’t know it. This is anecdotal but it’s what I believe based on my experience.
  8. Watching your son score a touchdown, knock the shit out of a baseball for a home run or extra base hit, or listen to him talk to you about what he believes in and realize he’s grown into an awesome young man who understands what is important in life.
  9. Cold beer in hand sitting on the deck of a floating cabin in the land cut fishing with your best friends.
  10. Wife and I took our daughter to a birthday party at one of her friend’s house last summer. When we walked in the mother of the girl laughed that she had forgotten to get helium for the balloons so she got scotch tape and stuck them to the ceiling. My wife looked at me and said, “that’s neat, it’s reverse psychology!” Yes babe, yes it is.
  11. Some dickhead hacked my account and changed the email on it. I’ve had Netflix on speaker phone for hours while i was doing other things, no one answered. They don’t have an email address, I’m beyond frustrated.
  12. Hockey on the football board? Meh, I guess it’s as on topic as most discussions here.
  13. Wow! 28-6A Steele, Judson, Smithson Valley, Clemens, now adding Wagner who was a state finalist last year.
  14. This was one kid that really needed to use this time to get quicker, unfortunate.
  15. I think you’re wrong here, just my opinion.
  16. Self awareness has never been an aggy strong suit.
  17. Unless I’m misunderstanding the graph, 36% isn’t matching what it says. Either way, acceptance for students at Trinity with at least a 3.6 is 90%. GPA is calculated differently at Trinity however.
  18. Thanks, We are planning to do one this Spring, I'm hoping we will be able to get all our questions answered. Choosing the right school will affect the rest of his life and his choices for anything post grad. I’m of the mind that his path might be less complicated at a private school but I certainly want to be open minded about it.
  19. I’ve been wanting to post here for a while. My son is currently ranked number one as a junior at a 6A high school. Right now his heart is at the I’m iversity of Texas, but I’m trying to make sure we steer him to a school that is right for him. I graduated from UTSA back when it was a commuter school so I don’t have any knowledge about navigating a large university. My daughter is currently a freshman at Trinity University. She took some pretty challenging classes her first semester such as calculus and chemistry but was able to make all A’s. I believe the small class size and built-in advantages at a private university helped her achieve this. She has a peer tutor assigned to her and a personal relationship with her professors who also set up study sessions. If she has trouble writing a paper, there is a writing center that will help her and proof read it. I really don’t know what types of programs the University of Texas has to try to help students when they struggle in a class. Both of my kids want to go to medical school, therefore keeping a higher GPA is very important. I’m trying to decide whether I would be doing him a disservice by sending him to such a large school. I am worried about him struggling in some of the auditorium size classes and not being able to find enough resources to help him make the grades he needs to make. Am I overthinking this, is his path to success just as reasonable at the University of Texas as it would be at a school like Trinity? Any advice would be appreciated.
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