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Whitewater Horn

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Everything posted by Whitewater Horn

  1. So was Van Aert! What a devastating tempo before pulling off to let Kuss rip their legs off and get Roglic in position to get the win and time bonus. It has to be A little concerning for Alaphilippe and Bernal that they were alone when shit got real.
  2. That is definitely Wonder World in San Marcos, and they do have one of those optical illusion/perspective rooms built on an angle that makes it appear that things roll uphill etc.
  3. Preposterous domination by Sagan. I remember thinking a long time ago that Zabel had that record nailed to wall forever. I wonder how long it will take to see another five time GC winner.
  4. Totally. I don’t think the GC contenders can let tomorrow happen without making a move to stay in a strong position. Hopefully everyone keeps the dirty side down today, we get safe sprint, and then tomorrow watch the fireworks after the descent of the last Cat 3 before the climb into Merlette.
  5. No shit, lol. I’m sure there are some ASO folks scouring the revised rules to see how quickly they can pull the plug and declare a winner if a French rider is in yellow. They touched on that briefly during the broadcast this morning, and I think they said it has to go for either nine or ten stages before a winner could be declared in the event of a safety shutdown. If Alaphillipe has a repeat performance of last year, I won’t be surprised to wake up to the headline “Merci d’etre venu. Vive la France. Vive le Tour. Au revoir.”
  6. And to be fair, the French haven’t produced a legit GC contender that made you want to root for in a long time. If you get the chance, definitely visit Nice when it’s safe enjoy travel without so many precautions. The aerial tv coverage is stunning, but you just can’t accurately get the scope of the awe inspiring scenery until you’ve stood on the beach, breathing in the smell of the Med and looking up at the mountains, or looked down from above on the city and the Côte d’Azur.
  7. That was probably more a plea than a demand - it’s not like Roglic has the sway of a patron. It was the first rain on those roads in long time and the riders were all feeling how treacherous the conditions had become after a number crashes. Astana says they were trying to get on the front to stay out of trouble, but riders from other teams didn’t see that way. Just curious about why you root against the French. Did you have a bad experience there? Is it a soccer thing? I don’t want to make assumptions about your reason for that, but there’s this lame, played out thing to hate on the French that I just don’t get. When I lived in the UK, I spent a lot of time in France and had the time of my life. I didn’t experience the negative stereotypes that people told me about France, but I always approached travel as a curious and open minded guest, and trying to have great experiences. I made it a point to know enough of the language to get around, know the currency, and be mindful of local customs, etc. Being a good guest buys a lot of goodwill. I saw plenty of Americans all over Europe who approached travel in those countries in a different way, and their experiences probably mirrored their approach. Anyway, I don’t begrudge anyone their opinion. I just noticed that’s the second time you’ve mentioned wondering if you’re the only one rooting against the French. Even if you have genuine dislike for them, they haven’t had a winner since Hinault. It would be great morale for the country in a shit year to get a GC winner. There are others I’m personally rooting for, but Pinot and Alaphilippe are likable guys that I would applaud if they wore yellow into Paris.
  8. Yeah, that dude is so good. It was cool to watch him get the stage win and take the jersey on a day where many expected him to be one of the riders that might got for it. If he started his sprint a second earlier, Hirschi beats him to the line. Exciting finish.
  9. Freaking Astana, lol. Karma’s a bitch, huh? Lopez is lucky to walk away from that. RIP Lopez’s bike.
  10. Man, rough start for Sivakov. Two crashes already and still 70km to go. Ineos and Bernal have to have him IMO if they want to beat Jumbo.
  11. Things are starting to look a little dicey for the Grand Depart... https://amp.theguardian.com/sport/2020/aug/27/tour-de-france-in-doubt-after-covid-red-alert-issued-before-grand-depart-in-nice
  12. I always enjoyed “General Lee’s Shootin’ Gallery” and the “Runaway Slave Adventure.” Seriously though, I’m glad the attractions in that part of the park weren’t too bad. I never took Professor Cyrus Cosmo as a bigot.
  13. Many of the obvious ones have already been named, but here’s a few on my list that haven’t been mentioned yet: Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures Jeff Buckley - Grace Jason Isbell - Southeastern Siouxsie & The Banshees - Tinderbox Genesis - A Trick of the Tail Iron Maiden - Powerslave Rush - Moving Pictures Some of these are debatable, I’m sure, but these are a few albums I listen to with no song skips.
  14. The Chevy Show was another great “get out of the heat” attraction, but it was a fun show, too. I was starting to wonder if I had imagined riding down a slide in a burlap sack on the lower part of the tower in the early or mid 70s. I remember the Shock Wave had just opened before my fifth grade field trip to SFoT. It was my first ride on a looped coaster. The social standing was not kind to the dudes didn’t nut up and ride the Shock Wave that day. I remember the bus ride back and seeing the way the girls looked at those of us who rode all of the big rides, and sat by us to listen to our bullshit, and made a mental note to always be in the group that does the fun stuff - you got a sneak peek at the social hierarchy and cliques that would we would fall into in middle school the following year.
  15. Then there was the Hawaii Kai water park at the Seven Seas location. That didn’t last long, either. Growing up in D/FW as a kid in the 70s & teen in the 80s, I spent a lot of time at Six Flags over Texas. The Spinnaker was great to ride double with a chick in front of you with the centrifugal force pushing her into your lap. Also great place to get handsy if she was down for it. Before being old enough for real dating and excitement, Six Flags was a great place as a young adolescent to spend the day with friends trying to see if we could find girls to hang out with who were down to make out, then seeing how far they would let you go with them on the dark rides and rides like the Spinnaker where you’re in close quarters. My god, the bullshit stories from those days. Good times.
  16. Damn man, 2020 just keeps doing its thing. RIP JTE
  17. I’ve had mine for a year and love it. I’m not all about the brand or into the culty social side of it. It’s great for all types of cycling workouts, strength training, and yoga. I’ve even used some of the interval training workouts running outside. I still ride my mountain bike and go on hikes and runs, but the Peloton is great for taking the time suck out of having to get up earlier to drive to a gym and back and all of that. I have special needs children and other things that require much of my time and attention. I’ve been through a lot of different exercise regimens and setups in the last 20 years. Since I’ve started using Peloton as the basis for guided cardio, strength training, and yoga at home, I’m in the best shape at 52 that I’ve been in since my early 30s. Yeah, it’s an expensive piece of equipment, but it’s high quality and durable. The subscription price had remained the same for the past year and has actually added additional services. The workouts are fun and legit. My experience is that it has been well worth the money and it the variety offers keeps me from getting bored or burned out.
  18. RB deserve that for that bullshit flop. Lol.
  19. Was hoping for the reverse jinx, but even if PSG tries to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, Leipzig is gonna to have to find a pulse.
  20. This thing could get out of hand. Before halftime
  21. It would be between Tom Dumolin and Steven Kruijswijk, with Dumolin being more likely. Kruijswijk is on the mend, so if Roglic isn’t 100% or thereabouts, Dumolin would be their best shot as GC threat IMO.
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