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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. Been raining almost all morning here in Waco, and it's rained a ton last night and this morning in the Bosque Rivershed as well. Finally... Although my soon to be 2 year old wasn't pleased while I was trying to put her in the car to take her to 'school' this morning in a full on thunderstorm. I bet we've had at least an inch of rain so far.
  2. Hush, hush!!!! @DougO is about to roll in here with his infantile labels.
  3. Too bad their MRAPs were out of the pic
  4. Would eat all of secret garden.... FIFY
  5. The trade winds and Gulf Stream will. Things gonna limp to Newfoundland or drift to sea.
  6. I remember when HEB had numbered carts. I walked out fairly heavy with the spirit around 10PM one night and saw cart #007. It went into the bed of my truck and stayed at the house I lived in during and after college for about 7 years. Several late night grocery cart rides down the street at 2 am and a crash into a parked car helped me make the decision to return it to its rightful home.
  7. We just now hit 90 in Waco. Absolutely splendid day outside.
  8. He showed more resolve than the Giants did.
  9. This is almost like punching your little brother and doing it again after he starts crying for mom.
  10. No doubt. Pinche puro talent.
  11. I have a pretty great “didn’t get to see Charlie that night” story. wife and I got married late (I was 36, she was 33) We went to Austin for my bachelor party. Got there by 10am Friday so we could watch day 2 of the Sweet 16. Well, after a full day filling myself with the spirit(s), we’re walking from one place to another, and there’s Antone’s. Charlie’s playing. A group of 8 or so of us walk up to the doorman, and ask how much to come watch the show. My brother is the point man, and the guy says “it’s $25/, but that guy ain’t coming in”…pointing at me… I walk up and say “hey mannnn, what did I do? Why can’t I come in” he says, “bro, you’re swaying all over the place and leaning on everything in site”. I put my hand on his shoulder and say “Brother, I’m leaning on the promises of God” he literally falls on the ground laughing, says it’s the funniest comeback he’s ever heard, “and that I’m still not getting in” oh well Saw him 2-3 times after that But I’ll never forget my drunken Ron White retort to the Antone’s door man just trying to see Charlie.
  12. If it’s on galleywinter, it’s probably true. Fuck me
  13. Kansas-3 was my lock of the week last night. ND-7 was close
  14. God. The thought of those regards doing their elephant walk and midnight yell made me shoot añejo tequila out of my nose. What a bunch of fucking idiots.
  15. Or do exactly what he is saying, charge a reasonable rate, keep cows and some deer feeders on the property, and you'll be full all year round with an ag exemption.
  16. Wedding coordinators are such a fucking asswhipping. What a great racket.
  17. Are those MRAPs being donated from various police forces around the country?? Would....
  18. https://www.tiktok.com/@mocrigamire/video/7273705798243470623?_t=8fVPFgJanM3&_r=1
  19. Yeah, if you want to go buy room temp chicken, then have at it big man.
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