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  1. Ah, screw it, we already won the series anyway.
  2. What if I told you there was a way to simultaneously water the grass, disperse protestors, and improve the hygiene of protestors who refuse to leave?
  3. OK, that was an amazing game.
  4. Series win, but too many strikeouts lately. 15 today.
  5. OK, we've got a live cobra here, people. Hardhats on.
  6. So far we've had about half an inch in 30 minutes. Nonstop lightning.
  7. What did Mexico do to deserve Astros/Rockies? They should have built that wall. /no CR
  8. If we're talking about standards, can we fix the typo in the thread title?
  9. Not gonna lie, I thought the 2nd paragraph was going to be a LOT different after the mom invited you the basement.
  10. Why didn't they just use the ACTUAL recordings of Trump making racist and sexually predatory remarks?
  11. Even lizards like getting a massage.
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