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Coelenterate Fuccboi

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Everything posted by Coelenterate Fuccboi

  1. Are there haters? He’s a freshman, the second best running back on the team, and been injured most of the season. I think most people recognize this.
  2. Do you ever have anything positive to say? I apologize of you do, because it’ gets lost in all your vaginal weeping.
  3. I’m certain it was for no good reason at all…
  4. Full disclosure: I did not have scheming relations with that institution.
  5. I didn’t even read your post. My “opinion” was a joke based on the quality of posters at the start of the thread. I’m sorry this is challenging for you to understand.
  6. I thought about it for less than a minute and don’t get your point. I saw a thread posted by you and then noticed the first couple of posters. Figured it must be a gem. I’m not ashamed for using my time for things which are more productive for me, if that’s your jab.
  7. With you, 6th Street, and Limphand kicking off the thread, I’m thinking we should change the title to, “The Surly WTF are you doing questionable posting thread........”
  8. Might want to sit this one out as well, considering your attack on the Texas coaching staff and using Michigan as an example of where Texas should be, well AFTER the cheating allegations had come out.
  9. Do you guys actually go back and study film or something? I view the line’s success as a whole and don’t spend any time trying to diagnose the individual issues as if I have a role in fixing them. I’m not making fun of your hobby or anything, just curious.
  10. Well, you owned it, but I’m not sure you were qualified to speak to Tunmise then either.
  11. Oh, and for some reason, I’m imagining the same people bitching about MM not making the tackle, would be absolutely roasting him if he got injured during the course of making the tackle. “Stupid MFer, doesn’t he know how important he to the team right now!”
  12. I’ve seen worse QBs win national championships. It’s likely Sark knew MM had a high probably of throwing an interception. I mean, he’s seen the guy play a few snaps. It’s also very likely that in preparing him for this event, he was told not to do anything that would risk injury and compound the QB situation. I mean; it’s possible Cali Swag doesn’t believe in violence, but highly unlikely.
  13. This isn’t the thread for unbiased opinions. Our backup QB is always the best, until he’s starting, then he’s not the backup anymore and he sucks by default.
  14. Let’s say he plays this game, for no reason, and MM and Quinn are injured the rest of the season. How many games would he play?
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