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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. If the Mets want a decent return, they'll need to eat some of that money.
  2. Why did I think Miggy retired after last season? Didn’t he get a token all-star nod last year as tribute?
  3. Ohtani pitched a complete game one hitter in the first game and then had 2 jacks in the 2nd game of a doubleheader. Freak.
  4. Remind me again how FSU or Clemson gets out of their GOR deal with the ACC? Is there really a way out?
  5. A 20 team conference without a single true powerhouse seems, well, overblown.
  6. Even though we’re leaving, the demise of the PAC makes me legitimately sad. It’s all I’ve ever known, and I have a fondness for it. But it does go to show we jumped at the right time.
  7. Think positive thoughts. I have my fist post operative scans next Thursday to see what cancer may be left, if any. Hopefully none. Wait and see.
  8. Does anyone not tip a barber/haircutter?
  9. This is where I'm at. I can deal with it. Shit is out of control, but no one is getting rich off my tips.
  10. At least the entire NL West lost today, so it's like it never happened. But 2/3 from each of NYM, Bal, and Tex on the road is just fine. Thanks for the series gents.
  11. Our staff is being spit and glued together due to injuries. Lots of rookies getting run. Miller is legit though.
  12. Good suggestions. Trying ice cream, but it’s caused me to puke the last few times I’ve eaten it. I feel like when I try something specific I burn out on it fast and it makes me nauseous. Ensures are about a 50/50 proposition on booting.
  13. I had the worst on Wednesday. Longstory- been taking multiple meds to help with nausea and digestion. One of them, Reglan, seems to have triggered a monthlong attack of diarrhea. After meetings in the field on Wednesday, I get to my office and it hits me like a truck. Figure I have time to drop my stuff in my office and then hit the shitter. I was wrong. Full blown pants shit. I was horrified, but no one was the wiser. Finished shitting, grabbed my stuff and drove home in shit. I am not fond of my participation here. It was horrifying.
  14. Good news, AC. One day at a time is the only way to go. Personally I've had some setbacks that have me just dragging ass so completely that I struggle to get through the days. Work has been cool about it, but not sure for how long. The one thing I'm really struggling with now is weight loss. I had plenty of room to spare so it wasn't much of a problem for a long while. And I flattened at about 165-167, which was fine. But constant nausea and just a complete lack of appetite has me down to almost 155, which I haven't been since, shit, HS at least. About 50 lbs total loss. Problem is I won't be able to put on any significant weight really ever again, so for the near term I have to try to force calories into me. I know that's a "oh poor guy" concern, but it is really troubling. I could easily get by on less than 1000 cals a day, but I'll keep dropping and that ain't good. It's a total reversal of what I've been trying to do for most of my adult life, which is limit calories when I can. But it's just not as easy as "just eat more". I can't. Capacity and a total lack of desire to eat is fighting me. Oh, and I've had diarrhea for about a month, so that's nice. I shit my pants at work on Wednesday and had to leave. Guess I should update that entry in the shart thread. Oh, and I had a stroke. No symptoms, but MRI revealed it. My 20 year term life insurance policy is up in about a year and any agent will just laugh at me trying to get a new policy. Onward and upward anyway.
  15. I’ve told my wife to tie an anchor to me and throw me over. No cremation, as I can feed the sea and join the circle of life. I just ask that she waits until I’m actually dead.
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