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Everything posted by Fug

  1. Can we finally assume Ewers is starting this game?
  2. I met one while waiting in line for drinks yesterday, he was emphatic in saying card is better because “Ewers threw a pick in his first two passes against ULM”. He told me he’d buy me drinks during ISU if both QB’s are healthy and we start Ewers
  3. Right now OU is favored by 3.5 and I might have to break my rule on betting on Texas…
  4. Just want to bring this back to the forefront and neg this pussy ass, bitch take to oblivion.
  5. Major cuckold/manlet energy
  6. The hopium fed by some of IT does not align with us going 7-5. If you make a logical prediction why feed us a bunch of illogical bull shit
  7. Casey put up stats constantly but also sucked because he couldn’t make 70% of throws. I don’t want to get booted for knocking noodle arm any longer so I’ll stop
  8. Who was the main qb during that Kansas game?
  9. Casey’s playing bottom tiered northwestern and sark’s an idiot because he has hd a good first half?
  10. He’s got A&M at 8-4 so seems legit
  11. ill give away my tickets with the stipulation that you wear a “Neg” and “Ztejas” on the front of your shirts
  12. Can one refund their season tickets? Asking for a friend.
  13. Remember the rumors that Ewers was pushing CJ stroud? Lol
  14. At this point, why do FCB and Kirk Bowels still have access? They are actively trying to fuck over the program
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