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Everything posted by HiggyBaby

  1. So my oldest is about to turn 16. Any tips in general on easing the pain of adding a teen driver? Any specific tips to USAA? Do I need supplemental umbrella coverage? So far I’ve upped our liability to $300k/$500k. And his car will have dash cams and probably life 360 to help mitigate whatever may be coming.
  2. The return of Achmed Foley
  3. Just got done with the whole thing. Overall a giant “meh”. Chris Pratt is fine but not really meant for this role. The only character of any interest to me was Ben. And we’ve all seen this story or a variant of it 100 times over the last 30 years, and in most cases done a lot better.
  4. I walked out of Who’s Harry Crumb so there’s that.
  5. Phil Collins’ Take Me Home has always been one my favorite songs. And for me this a worthy cover.
  6. ^ I will add there’s a 50% chance that’s like some green screen or something but eh
  7. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CfhUdXrjz0f/?igshid=YzAyZWRlMzg=
  8. Have to admit this one fell off my radar during Covid. Fully caught up now. Season 3 bought the lulz. Motorcycle chase. Too many dogs. Voice to text. And some seriousness with Barry’s buddy telling him this isn’t him. Sally’s a bit much though. I think somehow Barry’s buddy comes through next season.
  9. As much as I loved GoT, I’m a little lukewarm on this one. Still gonna tune in tho’. Maybe I’ll be surprised.
  10. This will go over well with a few of you [emoji23] https://www.mysanantonio.com/business/article/texas-longhorns-17318031.php
  11. For me the “guitar driven” criteria for ZZ Top is most solidly met with this one. But like you said [emoji2369]
  12. I’m slowly trying to make my way through season 2. Season 1 was awesome and I was a fan of the book back in the day. We’ll see if I make it to 3 or not.
  13. Any recs for a pool resurfacing company in DFW? Anyone have surface types they like and don’t like? Need to pull the trigger on a resurface over the fall/winter.
  14. Nope. My evaporation has gone way up the last couple weeks. No qualms about keeping it topped off.
  15. It ain’t just here either, it’s supposed to be 100°+ in London on Monday. That’s near all-time record high for the country.
  16. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cf342FGF-5j/?igshid=YzAyZWRlMzg=
  17. Thanks. We ended up switching gears and are in Belize. No bad options here. Change of subject. My older kid wants to get certified. Any recs for a good shop in DFW? I did all my training back in the 90s on lake Travis with a now defunct shop so I’m way out of the loop.
  18. Sorry if discussed elsewhere already but perhaps this is part of the problem. Wind power being blamed during winter and summer extremes. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-11/texas-wind-power-is-failing-right-when-the-state-most-needs-it
  19. Her death scene was powerful for sure. “I’m not ready”. Are any of us?
  20. Haven’t seen them since their heyday in the early oughts but glad to know they still bring it.
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