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Everything posted by Quagmire

  1. No shit, did he catch luck ass fucking his wife?
  2. Not so sure that a guy that comes in his pants at the site of a woman insulting your city hurts that much
  3. 15k to plow your wife from behind sounds expensive
  4. Can’t sister just call and pretend to be her ?
  5. Feel bad for the people that were tapped on the elevator with half his corpse, it’s backward enough to be stuck on a trapped elevator with people you don’t know.
  6. https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/22/us/new-york-elevator-death/index.html (CNN) A 30-year-old man was crushed to death Thursday by an elevator at a New York high-rise, police said. The man was pinned by the elevator between the basement and first floor of a building on Third Avenue on the East Side of Manhattan, said Det. Sophia Mason, a police spokeswoman. Emergency medical personnel pronounced the man dead at the scene after a 911 call, Mason said. Ugh, terrible. Ny post has the video, not overly graphic but holy shit made me cringe .
  7. They will be below see level soon, bunch of dipshits piling houses on top of swamp land.
  8. It’s like a magic decoder ring hiding your searches for donkey dicks from your house to the internet’s . Unless someone else has the decoder which they don’t they can’t see what your doing.
  9. What kind of piece of shit films someone’s death and sells it to TMZ?
  10. Not surprised it was a minivan, people that drive those things can’t drive for shit
  11. Lol was thinking that too, most were probably busy body moms freaking out about the guy that just happened to park next to them.
  12. Paint gi joe emblem on it dress up like duke and you will get so much mom ass
  13. I see no problem with it , the internet has made everyone paranoid about everything. Trust your gut, can’t read the news each day without hearing about someone dying in a car wreck but nobody says maybe we should drive less. I honestly believe part of the reason you see these young kids shooting up places is due to overly helicopter parenting. Kids have no independence and don’t know how to deal with things themselves
  14. A 40 dollar cartridge lasts me almost 6 months doing it several times a week, call bs
  15. This, have one too. Got not signal on back patio now it’s full strength. Even an idiot could set it up . Pps: slam dick in door and back away to make it bigger
  16. Fucking badass, let’s start an outlaw gang !
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