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Everything posted by Quagmire

  1. Grainger is only place I know that sells them locally, or order one on amazon
  2. Unless your slicing and dicing hookers In your house I doubt amazon and google would think your life was worth recording
  3. Have they improved these? I have the original and it pretty much stuns flies for a sec before they fly off ..
  4. Quagmire


    As does delivery dude, stupid forum I click on Nextdoor thread and it take me here
  5. Quagmire


    Shit wrong thread
  6. Quagmire


    This made me laugh https://neighbors.ring.com/n/QNGn9
  7. You would have saved more money and you not bought them [emoji851]
  8. Is it me or have the flies been bad this summer? Never remember this many being out , need a automated bug a salt
  9. How attached are you to this tree? When is the funeral ?
  10. The fact they can’t cut bills in half just shows how much they try to fuck you in the first place. Shit is out of control. My wife went in for a pretty small procedure , we were on our way home 1 hour later. 33k bill to insurance , fucking robbers
  11. I’d trust my own doctors opinion over a team doctor too, no conflict of interest there.
  12. I’d like to see her in yogurt pants
  13. Lol your wasting your time. People will use every excuse in the book to justify giving a cell phone to an 8 year old . 16 when they start driving seems fine but most just give in to stop kids from bugging them because little jimmy across the street has one .
  14. How come every vegan yoga teacher looks exactly the same ?
  15. Is there anything more annoying than seeing curry chew on his mouthpiece?
  16. Meh when you fill it back up it will go right back
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