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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by mdmost

  1. I think it truly was trying out a different kind of character (female, deaf, Native American) since she was supposedly popular in the comics. There wasn't anything about her in the Hawkeye show that made me interested in tuning in. And I'm Marvel's target audience. I also have no idea why they think an Ironheart show would be something that would do well. If she's a part of the Young Avengers, I guess. But not a standalone series. I feel like this is one that won't be happening.
  2. I mean you say this but as a dad of a kid who had to miss significant parts of the first semester of school last year due to a medical issue, I had to do a shitload of extra work to keep her both off truancy reports and credit for attendance efforts so her schoolwork would actually be accepted and she could continue in her grade level. She even got dinged for actual excused medical absences that she had valid reasons for missing classes/days of school in the spring semester based on how much time she missed in the fall. I was possibly facing appearing before a truancy court if the school didn't step in to help us out. This is Dallas ISD so maybe Austin doesn't give a shit but they definitely do here. Maybe my kids schools are different but there's a ton of work and missing a day can be really hard in terms of falling behind for my older one. You can only make up stuff in after school sessions for tutoring. If you miss a test, you can make that up but it can then be an unexcused absence for the class you're missing to do it. If she doesn't have a note, she can't make up the tests, homework, or gym classes. We learned that the hard way this fall. Granted, this is a magnet school so maybe that's more the reason but my older one never had this much work before getting high school. If anything, middle school did not prepare her in any way for all of this.
  3. Well that's not hard when PUSSY IN BIO is in almost every tweet as a reply.
  4. Seppuku just scares you to death. Can't let Ishido beat you twice.
  5. Don't conflate Sony Marvel movies with the MCU. The only MCU Sony tie-in is Tom Holland's Spiderman. Madame Web, Kraven, Morbius are all Sony exclusive properties. Venom is an exception to the rule as far as Sony films not sucking. I'd argue GOTG was a hit because of the writing and dialogue combined with having a great cast. It was a completely different tone than the previous Marvel movies. I don't think Marvel has a writer like Gunn in their bullpen now. I think anything post-Endgame was going to be difficult to perform well unless it was a continuing character like the Guardians and Black Panther. You can only go to that well so many times and it won't always work out like the last Thor and Antman movies. GOTG was a good ending for the franchise as only Gunn could write it. But Endgame was the perfect culmination of 10 years of movie making. The drop off after it was always going to happen. Kang is just not compelling compared to Thanos. Also, Thanos was being built towards as the looming threat. Kang just doesn't meet that since you kill one and there's more that will pop up. That gets tiring. The MCU's best hope is Deadpool resetting everything and the Fantastic Four being a success. That's definitely not a given. Thunderbolts could be decent but this has been done to death already with Suicide Squad. Falcon Cap isn't going to move the needle as Anthony Mackie just isn't leading man material. Then you have to hope an X-Men reboot pays off. Maybe Deadpool helps with that.
  6. Well thank goodness, LeClerc didn't blow it.
  7. We were living on borrowed time.
  8. Just picking on Caballero now.
  9. Well, the idea is to get a ticket. If you go towards the Hans Mueller tent, there are tons of TVs over there.
  10. This ballpark is the Buzzards lick.
  11. Well, at least they didn't cut off the wrong fingertip.
  12. Nice to see that happening in our favor
  13. That was very The Mountain vs. the Viper.
  14. Yeah but if those cops would've just let those guys, who were invited in, into the Capitol without trying to stop them, it all would've been magically peaceful. See it's the cops who were in the wrong.
  15. Yeah but in this instance, we're the dad getting angry at our kid smoking weed, asking him where he got it and where did he learn to do it?
  16. Elon needs to mute that End Wokeness one since it seems to be the primary source of where he gets his misinformation. So of course he won't do that.
  17. Did they notice the weiner in his pocket?
  18. Yep but you know what happens the second he criticizes Israel. He's in a no-win situation. But yes, he needs to speak out about this and use it to force Israel into a ceasefire.
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