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Everything posted by bschoolprof

  1. Same. The way she struts around seems so on brand for ou.
  2. Yeah, Scott is not a great IF. Might as well see if she can play OF. Seems like Mike has really struggled to find a 3B since he’s been here.
  3. great pinch hit by Whitaker. 6-4 lead now.
  4. I've just come to expect bad fielding and boneheaded baserunning with White. It's just part of his MO apparently. I'm ok with, say, bad outfield play if they can mash. But right now we have starting outfielders who field poorly and are slappers. We miss Bella.
  5. And down again 1-0 in the first. White has a short leash on Simpson.
  6. Run rule. Good ab by Washington. Great approach.
  7. Ha. Can’t tag the safety bag. Can’t say I really knew that rule.
  8. I know this small ball makes sense given our speed, but i hate watching it. I want to see actual hitting.
  9. They told him he couldn’t challenge that. Which seems hard to believe.
  10. Yes. Won’t have to worry about that next year. No tv!
  11. For popular games, poors are in the outfield. I bought general admission tickets because that's all you can buy online and I assumed it was general seating throughout most of the stadium as it has always been. Nope, all assigned seating and GA is technically in the outfield. But the usher told us it wouldn't be too crowded and we could probably just sit wherever, which we did. Parking is also now a shit show because all the nearby surface lots are gone due to new graduate student housing. Anyway, the whole thing has a very Steve Patterson feel to it. Agree on Simpson. One thing I liked was Czech was yelling encouragement to her from the dugout when she was struggling, which I thought was a nice touch. Czech seems like a great teammate.
  12. I went to the game tonight. No more general admission seating in the main bleachers. All assigned seats and they don't sell them at the box office. I guess it's all season tickets now, like in baseball. Total bullshit IMO. Anyway, I suck at evals, and it's early, and it's a bench-emptying game against Lamar, and I should know better from last year than to doubt White, but I don't exactly know what to make of this team. They did way better in Clearwater than I thought they would, particularly after last year. We have some talented Freshman. The leadoff (Goode) has a great swing and approach. She looks to be a pure hitter. Day had a nice HR. I have some concerns though. The pen is thin, and Simpson looks shaky to start the year. I'm also a little worried about lack of pop - I see lots of fast contact hitters. Day and Whitaker provide some pop, but the latter struggles mightily with decent pitching. Defense and baserunning are sure to be subpar - that's a White staple. I'm also a little worried about the lack of studdettes. Iakopo, Rhodes, Ellish. It doesn't seem we have players of that caliber on the roster. Of course, I could be wrong. We'll see.
  13. Drunk people stumbling off, falling in water, and drowning is actually more common that most people realize. This keeps happening on Rainey street (and not 6th street) because it's right on the water.
  14. Have you read the committee report? It's very detailed and well researched and concludes they were likely in blackface, which was very, very common for the time. Given the program and the newspaper accounts they cite, I would argue it's almost indisputable. But context matters. If you wanted to do an amateur variety show of skits and funny songs back then, at least part of it would have involved blackface, all across much of the US well into the 20th century. Minstrel shows were arguably one of the first true uniquely American artforms - an opera for the people if you will. It was so ingrained in the culture I doubt Sinclair et al. really thought much of it, nor did his audience. It's not like they said, "hey should we make this a normal variety show consistent with 2020 norms or the really racist one?" They likely just did what you did back in those days, on autopilot, much in the same way many of us played "smear the queer" on the playground without reflecting much on its label. But trying to tie the song itself to where it debuted - likely a coincidence of writing and timing - has always struck me as a bit silly, and it ignores the much more important role it has played historically as a positive and unifying force.
  15. I'm sure a vote put on by student government will really capture the pulse of the student body, particularly the sports-loving element. Dozens may participate.
  16. Going through major metros on the way to Wyoming seems like bad idea jeans. Kansas city is a bit too far south to go anyway. There are many different ways to cut around major cities and still hit decent sized towns to scavenge for gas.
  17. This was a great sketch and so true.
  18. Here's a vid with the actual ATC audio. What in the blue fuck was the controller thinking? Thank god for the pilots. That would have been the worst aviation accident in our (Austin) history.
  19. Well Pedro is Chilean, which is kinda mexican around here, so I'll allow it.
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