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Gut Wagon

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Everything posted by Gut Wagon

  1. Room for improvement there. But hey, a decent postseason so far for Senor October. In other news, has anyone every tracked the record for HRs on a team's first pitch of a game, postseason or otherwise? It's almost as if we've come to expect it from Altuve, which is beyond remarkable. The only people who seem not to realize it are opposing pitchers looking to get ahead with high fastballs. Meanwhile, Bregman's been getting a lot of close (or closer) shaves here lately. Wonder what's up with that. Giving up a HBP right in front of Alvarez seems unwise.
  2. While JV's finally getting on a roll in crunch time, Kershaw's compounding his October woes. LA of course has the firepower to win a wild one, but I sure hope they don't.
  3. Crowd noise made it sound like "Houston." Turns out it actually was "lutefisk."
  4. I've been in knots since kickoff in Dallas. Thrilled to salvage what we could today. Tip of the cap to aggy for helping.
  5. Brought Uncle Charlie to the park today.
  6. If you can slide to the dugout after finally hitting a homer in the regular season, maybe try it on a semi-wild pitch in the playoffs.
  7. All I want here is a Yordan bomb that destroys the batter's eye for Abreu.
  8. So now Tucker is back to 29 HRs? I can't keep up.
  9. You're not a dominant offense until you can regularly score TDs on fairly standard play calls in the red zone. That's been our kryptonite, perhaps because we're still not physical enough to beat a good front 7 play after play in a restricted space.
  10. Even with all that, had we not been stonewalled inside the 1 multiple times and had a fluky goal line INT, we'd have been fine. But man...this D has a ton of problems.
  11. From sideshow to hero. Make it happen, bud.
  12. Is Ford ill? He's a traffic cone today.
  13. You don't fair catch on the 5. You just don't.
  14. I'd prefer that 7 never return another KO.
  15. Lose at the LOS and you generally lose. We're for sure losing at the LOS.
  16. Not being nearly physical enough today. That has to change.
  17. Thompson is a mediocre player performing poorly.
  18. The only reason we're still squarely in this is that we have a ton of talent and depth. It certainly isn't execution.
  19. Now we find out who we really are.
  20. Positive vibes from the breezy mountains of North Georgia. Let's do this...again.
  21. If I'm the aggy "brain trust," by now I might have concluded that Sark is going to keep assembling offensive firepower in Austin no matter what we or anyone else does, and that the best use of resources is to try to keep aggy better stocked on the defensive side than Texas is. A fully weaponized Longhorn team on both sides of the ball (e.g., 2005) is tough for anyone out there to compete with. If this reality has dawned on aggy, I guess I salute their clarity of thought.
  22. I'm still not that confident in our secondary's ball-hawking skills, but I hope we're at least past the days of guys like Jamison and Boyd desperately flailing away at deep receivers, if not basically tackling them, with the ball in flight far downfield. Part of the blame then clearly went to a lack of pressure, but all too often our guys on an island ended up dying there. Our ability to avoid this might well define our season.
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