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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chuckie Finster

  1. Posting that Weigman has been cleared only to amend that with a “lol jk” after midnight is an all-timer.
  2. Pretty sure Mancini could have figured out a way to get us -2 runs.
  3. Thanks Justin, enjoy the pinstripes or whatever next year.
  4. He was with the Pirates from January 2020 until February of this year, when he came back here. We've lost him once and survived, we can do it again. (Not trying to minimize his contributions, he's a rockstar for sure.)
  5. I wouldn't touch McCullers in G7, but I have a hard time believing Dusty would give the ball to anyone else. Given that, I would essentially have Urquidy warm up like he is the starter and have him stay warm throughout. He gets brought in at the first sign of trouble and then you go to Javier once Urquidy needs a break. (Let Luis and Hunter be your inning eaters over the next two games, if needed.) Get this thing to the 6th and then let your normal dudes do their thing. (This a lot of brainpower being wasted on a series that is ending in six.)
  6. Always fun to remember that, on paper, the Astros are probably the most "rootable" team in the entire league. Largely home-grown and full of guys who have worked hard to outperform initial low expectations. Alas...
  7. I've seen it elsewhere too, a lot of people seem to care A LOT about it. Just is weird to me.
  8. What's the fascination on whether or not it's a "real" no-hitter? Obviously it's less intriguing to watch live, but why are people so bent out of shape with folks accurately referring to this game as a "no-hitter?"
  9. These announcers seem miserably bored, which should be impossible given the circumstances.
  10. We haven't lost a game that Javier has pitched in since August. I see no reason we should change that tonight.
  11. Feels dumb to bitch about this in a 7-0 game, but holy hell that Chas at-bat was a disgrace.
  12. One game at a time obviously, but if this thing goes 7 then I start Urquidy and don't think twice about it.
  13. Interesting thread, aimed at no one in particular.
  14. I agree, some sort of symbol would be useful to indicate who has a verified identity. Perhaps a checkmark. Hell, let's make it blue.
  15. As I stated in another thread, this is the fastest way to make the website unusable. In Elon's best case scenario: @AdamSchefter, @AdanSchefter, and @AdamSchefler all pay for their blue check marks. The latter two can spam fake NFL trades all day and eventually 1) the real Schefter will leave Twitter or 2) users will stop coming to Twitter for breaking NFL news. Just impossibly dumb.
  16. The absolute fastest way to make Twitter unusable is to force users to hyper analyze usernames to determine of that big NFL trade was just announced by @adamschefter or @adanschefter. Twitter is a cesspool, but Elon has no grasp on the importance of having at least some kind of basis in reality to know that the tweet you are reading is coming from Lebron and not Lebr0n.
  17. Good for Philly fans as a whole. Pretty shitty for the ones who have to pay for parking, concessions, etc. for a game that everyone knows isn’t happening. Again, lulz fuck them, but just more bush league shit from the commish.
  18. Fuck 'em, but I'd be livid if I were a Philly fan planning to attend tonight. The forecast ain't changing in the next hour, just make a call.
  19. Glad we took a week off in between series. Great planning all around, kudos to the league.
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