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Everything posted by GRHorn

  1. Defending people’s right to healthcare got me on the list. Damn, tough break.
  2. I think you mean EMTALA as far as ER care goes. At least that’s what my doctor friend told me.
  3. Again, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Every doctor in a hospital setting cares for people that they know are responsible for their own predicament, whether minor or life threatening. It’s rarely brought up. ER docs are known for burning out but I have a feeling your emotions are amplifying this supposed doc’s frustrations.
  4. You’re a brilliant man. Lol I love your way of thinking. I think before we allow traumas in the ER we need signed attestations from the first responders that the victim’s seat belts were on. Also, if someone was ejected from the vehicle then the ambulance keeps driving. Fuck all you hoes.
  5. Thanks for proving my point. The unvaccinated are the ones dying and healthcare workers take care of people who have fucked themselves up all day every day. You obviously don’t have the mindset or temperament to work in health care. Fortunately people with your mentality don’t make public health decisions.
  6. Some very vengeful, unethical people on this forum. Y’all are really something.
  7. A sunbelt spread of some sort amongst the unvaccinated was always a given this summer. Sad, but true.
  8. I’ve never met anyone who actually said the microchip thing. My buddy’s mom did tell him that the vaccine was the mark of the beast or something. When he got the shot he called to tell her and she got pretty upset. Weird.
  9. Of course it would be you to post this nonsense. Do you have kids? If you’re of that age and have a family you know several kids that have had Covid. And you would know that almost all of them had symptoms for maybe a day. Then nada. Dont be such a dumbass. Please everyone here post if you know any kids that are long haulers. I saw an estimate that 40% have already had it. My house is at 50%. Lol. RSV, strep, flu all much worse. Even atypical “walking pneumonia”.
  10. Didn’t see a specific drug thread, but looks like a more aggressive weed bill will be proposed. Probably means it has no chance, but I guess it’s a step.
  11. Yeah I’ve been thinking and an analogy I came up with is the NBA free agent recruiting season. These guys will be going around on visits and much more will be emphasized about quality of life, endorsement potential, even state income tax rates for these big stars. Of course with smaller figures, but the straight up financial upside of everything can be openly emphasized.
  12. If you graduated from UT then yes we did.
  13. Yes it is only the other side! Not yours! What an intelligent take. anyway
  14. Common sense honestly. The discouraging part is the CDC wanting to link vaccination with mask wearing in all children. Fortunately in Texas we will largely ignore that. Other places not so much. For those that are strident supporters of the CDC recs here are some other humorous ones to consider.
  15. Here’s the interview. Added bonus of having Spanish anchor shirt sliding down.
  16. That’s fairly standard as far as I’ve seen. We haven’t noticed any withdrawals with our kid. Ideally they eat a lot on weekends to help keep weight up.
  17. Cool. I’ve heard it’s a beating going overseas. I was told by a buddy to avoid UK/Heathrow at all costs. Their rules are all fucked up.
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