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Everything posted by GRHorn

  1. What got you to a neurologist? Are there other issues beyond occasional bad test grade? One thing for sure is summer is the time to try it. You’ll be able to assess if side effects are an issue. You might need to tweak the dosage. Some kids metabolize it slower than others. You want this all figured out before he’s back at school. Good luck
  2. GRHorn

    Lynyrd Skynyrd

    Underrated song here And They Call Me the Breeze is one of the best covers ever.
  3. They like country. Over 4th of July SXM launched some George Strait station and Peyton and Eli hosted a show and were telling stories about golf trips with George etc.
  4. So what’s the status of the Cuban people? I’m guessing they’ve been disarmed for a while? Are they going to pull this off with bats and balls?
  5. Ok. It had a full parking lot so I was curious. The drive out to Bandera is so nice. Different than other parts of the hill country in that there’s bigger pastures between some of the hills. Some incredible ranches out there I’m sure.
  6. I saw that place today and wondered how it was. Drove my daughter to a new overnight camp outside Bandera.
  7. This poll is obviously fake news. here’s a total back of envelope breakdown. Black people are 12% of the population. They vote 90% democratic. So the breakdown of the Democratic Party is about 20% black. That means if literally every other Democrat was vaccinated you would still need 80% of the black population to get vaccinated to leave 4% of the party unvaxxed. Must be a lot of people lying to pollsters here.
  8. Interesting online poll results. Especially considering the account posting the poll.
  9. Triggered pretty hard by an informative post with new info from a nationwide study? Interesting. My thoughts on Key public health measures I think almost all adults should get vaccinated, excluding specifically people with natural immunity. I was for masks before the vaccines came out I was against school closures. That was probably correct. I’m more cautious towards immunization of kids, especially 12 and under. I don’t think these are radical positions.
  10. this study from Uk has some interesting info on comorbidities of kids that do poorly. More than half of the kids that died had complex neurological issues, mostly genetic. So these are severely, chronically ill kids.
  11. This is a great thread. We need to keep a running tab on all the right wingers taking over public education. It’s a plague that must be stopped.
  12. Yeah I saw that. It’s going to happen. Btw you seem to hate on natural immunity, I wonder how many re-infections there were? Was it more or less than the 6 vaccinated positives that happened? Would be interesting to know.
  13. A couple glaring problems to me with this guidance. Requiring young kids to wear masks when it’s not required in almost any other setting is nonsensical. And don’t tell me kids will be grouped inside, it’s different. That’s nonsense. All the overnight summer camps are back. All the sports day camps are back. Vacation Bible School. It definitely feels like a set up to try to coerce vaccination of young kids (6-12) for a disease that causes them almost no symptoms. To no one’s surprise here, I find that dubious at best. For older kids (12-18), punishing those who don’t get vaccinated perhaps because they have natural immunity is again nonsensical. Again to no one’s surprise, I think attempting to coerce young males that have already had covid to be vaccinated given the warning signs out there, is wrongheaded at best, and negligent at worst. Thank God there’s a large segment of the population that will disregard this. For sure my school district will.
  14. Correct. Also antibody response is only one facet of viral immunity. The T cell mediated component would be enhanced by natural immunity and that contribution is not picked up in that study or enhanced by vaccination.
  15. There’s obvious ethical issues there and also probably legal ones. It still only has emergency approval. Also, how does CR feel about people with natural immunity passing on the vaccine?
  16. Doesn’t it go against natural selection for something like a pandemic virus to become more deadly over time? What you should see is what we have seen. More infectious, but weaker versions over time.
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