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Everything posted by GRHorn

  1. Men and women are different. There’s nothing wrong with that. I wouldn’t appreciate my wife or daughters being spoken to in that fashion.
  2. That’s a good rule of thumb for all genders.
  3. I can’t decide if you’re more Jimmy Northam or Jimmy Smollett. Were the Trump supporters in question wearing their MAGA hats while telling racist Jokes and discussing Obama’s Kenyan heritage? Because that’s totally Trumper stuff! Hoo-ey! I bet they only stopped talking racist shit to go off about QAnon!
  4. I don’t know why I thought @PenelopeWitherspoon was a male poster. I think it wouldn’t hurt to broaden your horizons, but I apologize for the tone of my post. That’s not how to speak to a woman.
  5. It seems you have a lot of unresolved anger issues. Your Twitter account you linked to before was the most basic bitch Mad Liberal account around.
  6. Lol Jimmy Northam can’t help it. He keeps selling himself out. The poor guy can’t stop hanging out with racists. The current Vegas over/under line on parties he’s attended wearing black face sits at 6.5. There does seem to be an interesting phenomenon where some of the most conspicuous racist behavior occurs in traditionally “liberal” areas or amongst “liberal” populations. Then people project these behaviors onto other people when they just aren’t there. I guess it’s just a defense mechanism, but frustrating to see it applied repeatedly.
  7. we've watched the last few years with our kids my 12 year old son last night even realized 'they're checking all the boxes'. lol
  8. I mean, seriously. We started with there won’t be any inflation. Then we got, there will be inflation but it will transitory. Now we’re getting, the inflation will be good for you. These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
  9. the variants are coming from other parts of the world where there's limited vaccine availability. it's not from hesitancy, numbnuts.
  10. One example is in the article I linked. It doesn’t specifically compare heart issues from covid, but I’d say hospitalizations roughly equal “all the other bad shit that can happen with covid.” At the June 23 FDA meeting, Tom Shimabukuro, MD, gave a vaccine safety update, and two CDC doctors (Megan Wallace, DrPh, and Sara Oliver, MD) gave a benefit-risk discussion of mRNA vaccines in young people. They both used many slides. Yet I need only two data points to support my argument that parents and adolescents should be allowed to make judgments based on their unique situation. The first is slide 13 of the benefit-risk presentation, which shows the risk for hospitalization in a young person in the last 3 months fromCOVID-19 as less than 1 in 100,000. The other comes from slide 27 ofthe Shimabukuro talk, which shows the rate of myocarditis in 12- to 17-year-old boys after the seconddose of mRNA as 132/2,039,871, orabout 6/100,000. Again from that article. Well stated IMO. Some might argue that shared decisions don't apply to communicable disease prevention. Vaccination of an individual helps others by reducing transmission and promoting herd immunity. I see two problems with this argument in the case of SARS-CoV2. The mRNA vaccines are so effective at preventing severe COVID-19 disease that US citizens need not depend on others for protection. If someone wants to be protected, they can simply get the shots. Recent reports from Israel on the rise of cases due to the Delta variant support my point: these were cases , not hospitalizations. The second problem with the societal-good argument is that the signal of myocarditis from the vaccine is strong enough to be more than correlation. I am not an ethicist, but it seems dubious to force young people to expose themselves to a risk for an unknown benefit to society. Once again, data from Israel are instructive: cases and hospitalizations plummeted earlier in the year without mandating vaccinations in the young.
  11. Exactly. Using kids (specifically 12-17 year old boys) and putting them at risk to protect the elderly or non-immunized adults.
  12. I’m afraid you’re the ignorant one.
  13. 1- it was a nothing burger, that had nothing to do with football. 2- those were also consenting adults.
  14. Good sign here that BTC bull market is still intact.
  15. Exactly as my post said. So we need to use kids to help protect old people? Under questionable risk/benefit breakdown? That’s just messed up. Listen to what you’re actually saying.
  16. Thank you sir, I appreciate that. I will expand a little and you may not agree with this and that’s cool. Given the obvious risks and benefits for that cohort, I think the biggest reason that the CDC didn’t adjust the dosing regimen is that they see pursuing the “greater good” of vaccinating more people as being worth the risk to these young males. I could not disagree more. Essentially we are pressing forward vaccinating these kids with an unaltered schedule, for a disease that doesn’t even really make them sick, to protect older people. That’s a warped thing to me. You protect kids first. Every other disease that kids are vaccinated for, except maybe chickenpox, can make you pretty sick. And chicken pox can give you shingles later in life. These teens most often have minimal symptoms. And don’t get me started on little kids. My 7 and 3 year olds had it and outside of one day of being tired they had not even a sniffle or other symptom. This is no longer an emergency. People should chill out.
  17. What a fucking shocker that Jimmer keeps finding himself around N bombs being dropped repeatedly. I think I’m gonna call bullshit though. I’m a conservative guy, from small town Texas and I can’t remember the last time I heard the N word dropped in conversation. But Jimmer, the guy that likes to drop the N word on CR can’t escape it. 🤔 I bet they were all wearing maga hats while they were being hardcore racist too!!! He’s completely full of shit or his posting history here is projection. Those are the options. Pretty simple. What a joke. But he’ll get a pass here. Thanks Jimmy for telling us how racist all those yokels are that you hang out with? Wtf.
  18. Been listening to JJ Cale a lot lately. Heard this track on Tom Petty radio during my recent quarantine and the slide guitar and groove hit just right. Great album too.
  19. Didn’t see any better thread to place this.
  20. I’ve never used it, but if you’re logged into the wallet and it says it’s there then it’s in there. Hard to say what you’re doing wrong without helping you search the explorer.
  21. No idea of the validity of this video. Just sharing what I came across.
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