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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UnivTex34

  1. So we did a kayak trip, on the normal stretch of river on the SanMo beginning of July. River was low. Wife's boat that she has had to never drag during other low water years, had to be dragged through a few low spots. Gauge at put in that day was at 80cfs. Just looked this morning, as we were debating another trip. Checked gauge, and it's 62.9cfs. Previous historical low at 74. Holy shit. We are fucked. (and this means you too you damned lizard @InkaUtexas). I grew up out in West Texas, on the edge of divide country, and my grandfather always wished/hoped for hurricanes to end droughts. I married into a family from Houston, and have been told many times it is not cool to "root" for hurricanes, but damn we need a few hurricanes to fix our shit here in CenTex.
  2. He’s posting on Insta, so he’s still alive.
  3. hey @blacklab, he's back again.
  4. @immamac activity streams seem to be down.
  5. That's fair, and I swear by my Nemo backpacking pillow. Was just pointing out that there are cheaper alternatives for folks that didn't want to spend yeti money on a chair.
  6. I have used both my man. Other than cheaper materials and being heavier, they sit the same. And yes they recline just fine. Buddy swears by his Nemo's but bought these to add more to his RV setup for guests, and they are almost interchangeable.
  7. FYI, if you want more or spares, both Costco and Sam's have knockoffs for about $60 https://www.costco.com/swinging-hammock-chair.product.4000079781.html https://www.samsclub.com/p/member-s-mark-swing-chair-lounger/P03012032?xid=plp_product_7
  8. Mabry is what is considered for Austin proper, when talking about records.
  9. Excuse me sir, this is Surlyhorns. We don't do CALM.
  10. Only if @Wulaw Horn is the getaway driver.
  11. Could also sell to US folks to raise more money And if it is done by @THUJONE it could raise lots of money.
  12. You have fallen for marketing my friend. Source - My wife who has been a meat and seafood buyer for 15 years at both HEB and Whole Foods. There may be a couple of never frozen items, but the vast majority (over 75%) of all the meat and seafood was frozen previously.
  13. It may be thawed when you buy it from the high end butcher, but it came to him frozen. Like the rest of the steaks you buy at any grocer.
  14. Yeah, those have been in the Austin stores for a few years.
  15. Thanks @immamac See GRU, you can still do your troll bit without a clickbait title.
  16. @Longhornsnus is Donkey Cigar. This is GRUHorn's 20th Sock. I know it's hard to keep the troll's socks straight.
  17. So a buddy goes missing in the water, you don't have a cell, what do you do? You go knock on the nearest door. Yup. GRUHorn's guess says a lot about him. Nothing that we didn't already know.
  18. Nice clickbait title. This is a public waterway. Not a private pond on the Obama estate. Just so happens his estate fronts this waterway. This is no different than a paddle boarder drowning on the Laguna Madre.
  19. I have had this thought multiple times. But no way Rocko was intelligent enough to keep this bit going for this long.
  20. residual cooling. Pretty typical. The inverse happens in the evening despite the sun not being high in the sky.
  21. Stop using garbage weather apps that are just taking data from other places and fucking with the numbers. Here is a screenshot from this morning of the observed hourly data from the NWS. Sure looks like the NWS says it was 85 with a heat index of 91.
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