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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UnivTex34

  1. Welcome. Ask away if you have any questions. I mostly stick to custom/semi-custom stuff these days, but am pretty knowledgeable generally.
  2. Nice BM collection. The 940 is my fav BM. I've had several over the years, but either sold or traded them away. I'm just not an Axis lock guy. I had talked about Tactile Knife Co in Dallas up thread, and their new knife the Maverick won all sorts of awards for new knives at Blade, but it's an Axis, so I'm going to skip it.
  3. Triples are fun. I have 2 Mac's Tri-EDC's and 2 Overready Moddulars. Have a look at Reylight. He makes a Dawn in the triple (I think the Rook is also a triple). Really well made lights for way cheaper than they should be. That light in the pic above is a LAN from him. It's AA sized (I use 14500's). He also has the mini pineapple that is AAA sized that is a rocket for the size. Both can be had in Ti for less than a hundred bucks. Also, anything from Hank (Emissar) are great and cheap as well. I have a quad from him that is really fun (D4SV). Infinite ramping is a great feature. I'm on the hunt for an Okluma DC0. They are very expensive, and hard to find. I may also pick up a CWF Micro Arcadian. Less rare, but still pricey.
  4. Well fuck. After being out of the acquiring game for several years. It would seem I'm back in. Got a Vero Axon Mini last month. And yeah, I'm gonna need more Vero knives now. Also started buying new flashlights again. motherfuck, I'm off the wagon gents. Send Help.
  5. Got some after action shots from 400 ft AGL in 78748
  6. https://twitter.com/SpaceflightNow/status/1651740386769944579?s=20
  7. Updated today for Austin to get in on the action.
  8. When I bought my travel machine, I sent my script in to them. At least with my doc, the settings were on the script. Came pre-programmed, but I have also gotten into the programming menu to make some edits, as this machine runs slightly weaker than my full size at home.
  9. Well I just spent an hour moving the Kayaks out of the garage so I could get my truck in 90% of the way. So between me and @utee94 we ain’t getting shit. You’re welcome.
  10. SpaceX views Starbase as a lab. It’s very 100 miles an hour, and pretty much everything is viewed as expendable. Their sites at KSC and Vandenburg are very much run like NASA sites in the way you speak. We spend a week every year in SPI, and if we have time, my brother and I will drive over to SB and see the changes, it’s NUTS every year, and you can basically just walk right in the last time we were there.
  11. This is the largest in size, as well as thrust, and lift capability. This motherfucker is BIG. And yes, Starship is larger than Saturn V. There is no exaggeration when someone says this is the biggest rocket ever made by man. In every category. boom, there you go. Thought I had seen that.
  12. I actually would not be surprised if when the Starship program goes live, they move launches to the Cape. Several years ago Starbase was described as a lab by SX for development.
  13. You mean to tell me you have never watched Armageddon? That tank farm next to the pad, you strap it to a starship and put it in orbit. Likely will require the building of a refueling station. Whether that is attached to ISS or standalone I have yet to see.
  14. Think space station segments, or very large satellites. (Not to mention, this is how we return to the moon and get to Mars). Falcon Heavy is the current active other Heavy lift capability, but this allows for much more tonnage in a single load, thereby reducing number of launches necessary. Falcon Heavy is ~double the lift capacity of the Shuttle if memory serves.
  15. I hope you are right. Hopefully the tank farm damage isn't too bad.
  16. Man, I was just debating this.... I have to move a a bunch of shit though, and I still can't close the garage. Fucking 80's houses and current sizes of pickup trucks...
  17. Do I remember correctly that you are north of Austin? Or am I thinking of someone else. Waco area? My station in South Austin is 86 currently, but was as high as 88 a bit ago. Looks like the line is starting to pop to the east. Hold on to your butts.
  18. Anecdotal, but the first several years it felt at least 75% of the F1 races. I haven't been in a few years, but even in 2018 it felt like at least half of F1 crowds.
  19. Tim Dodd commented on one of the streams I was watching that this was sand. He got rained upon about 5 miles away. My guess is they may not get another test this year. Sounds like a complete rebuild/redesign of the pad is needed, and I'm seeing some reports that the tank farm is pretty heavily damaged.
  20. Man I was really hoping things might line up for test number 2 sometime in June while we are there, but based on this, my guess is its gonna take some time to repair.
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