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Everything posted by threesheets

  1. Well I guess fuck him then. Especially for drumming up sympathy for a douche like Chris Paul.
  2. Yeah I'm looking forward to hearing the Dallas family's take on it. The last thing I would feel around that kid is "unsafe."
  3. That's funny and true. I don't think I ate CFA between my freshman year of college and my daughter turning 3. So a nice 15 year hiatus. I do enjoy the 2-3 times I eat it a year these days (my kids eat it weekly).
  4. Sadly, I have another contribution to make. Old work buddy stabbed to death the other night by psycho IG/Only Fans model gf: hollywoodunlocked.com/family-seeks-answers-after-man-is-stabbed-to-death-by-influencer-girlfriend-who-is-now-claiming-mental-illness/
  5. Imagine being Simon Lebon and the first thing you have to do on a given morning is indulge Craig and George's basic bitch asses.
  6. Who gives a fuck. He's legit the best player on the planet right now. Keep winning. Fuck everybody.
  7. That's been the case in Texas since September 1st.
  8. Just read the ingredients on the bag and didn't see "crack" on the list. They're lying.
  9. I was willing to give Kidd a chance but always "knew" deep down he'd be a huge failure. Glad to be way wrong up to this point. I never really got the hating on the trade. People against it were saying that we willingly took a step back just to get out of that contract, but the whole time I was wondering how getting two guys back that actually suit up for games (and can play) could possibly be a net negative. Early results say we got rid of the contract and got better as a team. That referee crew last night was one of the worst I've ever seen in my life.
  10. Chicken fried "rice" - a little more carbs in the peas and carrots than I'd care for but fuck it. YOLO.
  11. Rumors of Soul Glo's demise have been greatly exaggerated.
  12. Man I wish I ever felt full as fuck @F250. But I don't eat breakfast. I drink coffee from around 7am to 1-2pm- the coffee keeps the appetite in check. Then I eat something "good" and I'll feel full for a little while. After that the most I'll have is an apple and a handful or almonds or something like that. Eating one actual meal a day is the key for me.
  13. Appreciate it @statsman. I framed it ad a mental challenge in my head beforehand knowing how hard it would be to do during the holidays/cold weather. It's pretty satisfying winning the daily battles. Not every day, but most of 'em.
  14. I do the spreadsheet too @Yesh. I actually get excited to weigh every morning (almost never at night). Finally left the 210s this week (207 this morning), next stop 190s. Started at 238 in mid-Nov. 31 down, 9 to go. Then I'll go after my stretch goal (20 more).
  15. Cauliflower rice again tonight with the same starters (bell pepper, fresh japs, onion) + garlic and I added a bag of broccoli to stretch it. I try to eat as many veggies as I can when I'm cutting weight. Captain Obvious I know, but a lot of people on keto/low carb will just go old school Atkins with fatty shit and not much else. I hate that. Plus I splurge with oils. Seasoned with a bunch of Tony's and black pepper. It was great. Down 29.2 as of this morning (started 11/15).
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