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Everything posted by LongestHorn

  1. He's earned about $47m from Seattle so far. I think they work something out and he stays.
  2. "The IG report conclusion proves the FBI agents colluded against Trump, therefore there can be no fair or impartial collusion investigation. And because double jeopardy, I move to dismiss." -Rudy G. any moment now
  3. POTUS believes councel is clearly correct. I'm willing to let him keep on believing that. He also says intensive purposes.
  4. Found a pair of baby possum under our house. I put one in a cheap tote and got on the bus at Guadalupe, and got off at the next stop without the tote and walked home. The put the other one in my asshole neighbors house. He didn't find it for 5 days after his cat seemingly adopted it. Too much?
  5. Cheap fun random act of prankness. Be on the lookout for any vintage postcard, and google the old address. Old PO boxes are often still active. Buy it for $1 and drop it in the post office outgoing mail. Don't even bother with a new postage stamp. They'll deliver it. The person who gets it will be dumbfounded. Sometimes somebody will call their local newspaper.Then be on the lookout for the news story, if there is one. It could happen. Good clean lulz. http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/04/22/old.postcard/index.html
  6. Happy Birthday, Mr. President. I would like to buy him a double meat double cheese meal. Supersized.
  7. Happy 243rd Birthday US Army! More cake! In the spring of 1775, this “army” was about to confront British troops near Boston, Massachusetts. The revolutionaries had to re-organize their forces quickly if they were to stand a chance against Britain’s seasoned professionals. Recognizing the need to enlist the support of all of the American seaboard colonies, the Massachusetts Provincial Congress appealed to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia to assume authority for the New England army. Reportedly, at John Adams’ request, Congress voted to “adopt” the Boston troops on June 14, although there is no written record of this decision. Also on this day, Congress resolved to form a committee “to bring in a draft of rules and regulations for the government of the Army,” and voted $2,000,000 to support the forces around Boston, and those at New York City. Moreover, Congress authorized the formation of ten companies of expert riflemen from Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, which were directed to march to Boston to support the New England militia. George Washington received his appointment as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army the next day, and formally took command at Boston on July 3, 1775.
  8. None of my GOP friends openly support Pruitt. But most don't openly support Trump, either. Simple fact. They're lying.
  9. It did not happen during the Texas game. The Cocks fans didn't have whole lot to cheer about in their loss to Texas.
  10. In 1966 today, SCOTUS granted us the right to remain silent. Miranda was found guilty anyway, served 5, and would later die from stab wounds suffered in a mens room of a bar following a poker game in January 1976. Fun fact for our resident players.
  11. Story checks out. http://www.ukiahdailyjournal.com/article/ZZ/20110406/NEWS/110405282
  12. I'd like to know which trial attorney Michael is going to hire?
  13. I will be shocked if they spend a single night behind bars. Never do.
  14. Racist repellent or propellant?
  15. Am I the only snowflake triggered by the American flag next to the Nork flag? I'm sensitive.
  16. for sure. It is known, but bears repeating. http://dataomaha.com/media/cws/covers/1983.pdf
  17. Grew up watching blockbuster cop buddy films. Strong comedies. Solid car chases. I like'em. 48 Hours. Lethal Weapon. Beverly Hills Cop. Bad Boys. Gotta rep Freebie and the Bean. Colors isn't a buddy cop comedy, but it's good and close. Blues Brothers were not cops, but needs mention. As does Men In Black. Some of my favorite TV growing up were cops or private investigators like Magnum PI, Miami Vice, Hill Street Blues, Rockford Files.
  18. Over $200 now with two days remaining.
  19. Best aggy tears after learning Texas is going back to Omaha? "Typical"
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