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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. Exactly. Gaetz and his group don't care about governing and there's enough of them to torpedo any nominee. They already had a speaker that gave them a lot but not EVERYTHING and they voted him out. What's going to be different this time?
  2. Gaetz knifes McCarthy, and then Scalise: no problem Conference votes fair and square against Jordan (twice!): "sWAmP tAcTiCs!!!!!11"
  3. I dunno. Betting on "moderate" Republicans to lose their spines has been a winner more often than not in the last few years.
  4. Hey, that percentage is moving down. Clearly the Democrats are coming around.
  5. Lost another one, Molinaro-NY (yet again a Biden district). He has not gained any so far from the 2nd vote.
  6. Two so far (Fitzgerald-PA and Kean-NJ) and we're through the Ks. Both are from districts Biden won.
  7. I bought tix to today's game from the presale and I can't make it (I live in Houston). Looks like I'm gonna take a bath on them. Secondary market well below face is surprising to me. Anyway, I woke up feeling good this morning. Nothing is fucked here, dudes. Three game series with our two best starters ready to go. We hit the ball hard a bunch last night, just right at defenders.
  8. That 96% thing is clearly just a talking point someone jotted down on a napkin. "Just keep saying that, it's the best we've got right now"
  9. Fangraphs called his arm "plus" in their 2022 scouting report on him. Didn't mention it in the 2023 report. His 2022 shoulder injury was on his non-throwing shoulder.
  10. I think I've received payment from everyone except @txhorns and @shadow_operative2.0
  11. Final tally of vote two is -4, +2 (+1 more that didn't vote yesterday) for Jordan.
  12. Since this is all pointless, a bunch of Democrats should vote for Barack Hussein Obama or Hillary Clinton just to throw Fox News into histrionics.
  13. Reports are that Scherzer has about 70 pitches in him tonight. We need to close this out in Arlington. I don’t want any part of going back to Houston at 3-2.
  14. Arizona is terrible. How the fuck did they sweep the Dodgers?
  15. Why do Scalise supporters have their panties in such a wad if Scalise himself voted for Jordan? I bet they end up folding after a little arm twisting.
  16. I'm guessing he knew about some really terrible stuff going on but turned a blind eye to it anyway
  17. 2nd round TE is a JAG, too. They panicked after the TEs they really wanted were already gone.
  18. Some clown just offered me Justin Jefferson for Travis Kelce. Like, today. The latest reporting on Jefferson is that his injury is "probably not season-ending", so that's cool I guess.
  19. We've had good luck stealing guys from Baylor. Murphy, Duvernays, Jahdae Barron.
  20. These guys and Bibi Netanyahu want the same guy to be president of the United States. What a strange world we're living in.
  21. There's only 4 possible outcomes to the entire issue: Two states Annexation Status quo, indefinitely Ethnic cleansing Israel will never let #2 happen, for a bunch of obvious reasons that have already been discussed in this thread. Not worth talking about. Only the most unhinged right-wing voices in Israel and the US even bring up #4. Also not a whole lot to say there. Israel clearly prefers #3 to #1. I think that's for two main reasons: 1) in order for two states to happen, they'd have to either forcibly remove their own citizens from big chunks of the West Bank (politically disastrous), or they'd have to make painful land concessions to the Palestinians (...politically disastrous), and 2) they believe it enhances their security situation. The first reason is a problem entirely of their own creation. I don't have a lot of sympathy. The international community, including their own closest allies, has warned them again and again and again that West Bank settlements are a horrible idea, and they just don't give a fuck. The fact that they would have to eat that shit sandwich should not be a valid excuse. Their second reason for preferring the status quo (enhanced security) is a valid reason, but it's also a miscalculation. The status quo costs them their relationship with the Arab world, it harms their standing around the world to varying degrees, and it radicalizes the Palestinian population. It's also contrary to Israel's foundation as a democratic country, for good measure. You say that the Palestinians want the extermination of Israel/the Jews. Hamas clearly wants that. I can buy that the average Palestinian man on the street might say that if a reporter sticks a microphone in his face. But IMO most people, if left alone, just want to kinda...live their lives. Still to this day, a disturbingly large percentage of Americans subscribe to the preposterous belief that the 2020 election was stolen. But how many actually attacked the capitol? A few hundred? The rest are just...at work. Living their lives, posting garbage on Facebook. Hamas is a terrorist organization, full stop. It should absolutely be dealt with as such. But so was Al Qaeda, and we never intended to take control of Afghanistan forever. So was ISIS, and we never tried to take control of Syria. Israel has the ability (and the right) to secure its border with a hypothetical Palestinian state. We're not talking about the US-Canada border, here. If Hamas acts up, bitch slap them. Hell, invade and take them out, just like we did with Afghanistan and Al Qaeda. We'd cover for them at the Security Council, no sweat.
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