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Horn Dogg

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dogg

  1. Madison Cawthorne is Daniel Figurelli minus the twitter fuckup and legs..
  2. You probably need about a 40 round playoff with this crew. I’m pretty damn ugly and I’m sure I would have some competition. How about this for a simpler approach - hire her to photograph a session of Uncle Boobs eating out one of his sugar babies. You specify in the contract that she’s required to stay for the whole thing and take a picture every 3 minutes.
  3. Have you read the stuff Daniel writes? Bad grammar must run in the family.
  4. Let’s hire her for some risqué photography and then send 12 of the ugliest fucking dudes from this website to be photographed naked. Then you send the calendar to Daniel as a gift.
  5. If it’s half as entertaining as the one Daniel sent to Blacklab my day will be made.
  6. They put their honeymoon on the registry. Back in my day the couple getting married had to pay for that shit. We should have chipped in and bought the racist a one way trip to Africa.
  7. Bitch on the right looks like the Statue of Liberty. Still would.....
  8. Juan (his fake friend at UH that called him a genius) is probably one of them
  9. JD Horne (Longhorne1968 I think). He was good on Shaggy by accident.
  10. Just fucking put those Ukrainian pilots on the refugee train to Poland and leave the keys in the jets that day. Or line the jets up by the baby strollers. The pilots can take it from there.
  11. If that fat guy can find his belly button, then I have no doubt he can find MH370.
  12. I was about 90% convinced they would select “Washington Titty Babies” as the name. I am thoroughly disappointed I was wrong.
  13. A bunch of white redneck wannabes “gettin’ all gangsta”
  14. Man, I grew up in Lubbock. I remember the banners, bumper stickers and t-shirts all over town that said “avoid the rush, hate Texas early.” UT is the most hated school in Lubbock, and yes, everyone there thinks UT is Tech’s main rival. Here you had the first game in Lubbock after UT hired away the best Tech head coach of all time and Tech was the favorite going into the game. You guys saying this wasn’t a special game for Lubbock are fucking kidding yourselves. Congrats on the win, that was an ass kicking and it looks like Tech fans had a lot of fun.
  15. What other basketball game have Tech students camped out even close to that long for?
  16. Well, you did have students camp out for 3-4 days to get in. Maybe it was Tech’s Cotton Bowl?
  17. Dear Ben, happy retirement and Fuck you!
  18. Does he get to wear that chain on days that he fucks her?
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