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Horn Dogg

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dogg

  1. I think aggy was just looking ahead to our game against Bama next weekend…..since you know they claim Bama’s success as their own and all.
  2. He can take that fake champion gear with him to the aggy coaching rehab program. He would fit right in.
  3. Not sure how I got all these fucking quote boxes on here and I couldn’t find a way to get rid of them, so I’ll just post here. I think this tour is a good learning experience for Pogacar. I’m convinced he and UAE fucked it all up, but he’s still the best talent out there and I’ll bet he will lose a few lbs and come back next year and take an all business approach. Hopefully we can see a fully healthy matchup with Pogacar, Vingegaard, and Bernal. My money is on Pog.
  4. They seem pretty poorly managed to me. A good DS would have held Pog under wraps until stage 11-12 and saved his (and the team’s energy). Jumbo seems to make silly decisions along those lines as well (ie - letting WVA sprint for yesterdays finish). Ineos seems to be doing everything right, they just don’t have the right lead rider to win the race this year.
  5. I think Pogacar has a 3 day plan to attack over and over and hopefully weaken Vinnegaard. Then it’s balls to the wall on the Hautacam to see if Pog can drop Vingo.
  6. Pog has to get closer, I don’t think he can close the gap in the TT. I’ll bet Pog is going to start hitting hard tomorrow, can’t wait to see it!
  7. What’s wrong with Pidcock? He hasn’t been around long enough to make everybody hate him LOL! I have him on my fantasy team and the other guys in my league hated him on Alpe d’Huez day, but even then they enjoyed watching his ride.
  8. That was about the best descending I’ve ever seen. Better get used to Pidcock, he’s going to be on TV for many years to come.
  9. I think he would have tried to win in the first week, but WVA would have kept it from happening.
  10. I wish predicting cycling stages translated over to stocks, even at that I’m usually wrong LOL. For stocks, I recommend Daniel Figurelli. He gives a lot of free advice online Here’s my latest take. Losing Kruijswijk today could be the one thing that dooms Jonas. Pogacar already figured out that Roglic attacks were a trick, he wasn’t going to worry about Roglic anymore. But without Krujswijk and having Benoot crash hard basically drags Jumbo down to UAE’s level. It’s 6 on 6 starting on Tuesday….2 days after Jonas and Benoot crashed……in crashes where 2 days afterwards is when you feel the worst. On top of that, Pogacar is a clever bastard and he figured out that he could just follow Van Aert’s wheel early in each stage and use that to stress the rest of the Jumbo team. He’s not going to win doing that, but he’s able to use VWA to help burn his own team’s matches. The whole tour I’ve questioned Jumbo for letting WVA have too much freedom. Now Pogacar is using WVA to exploit JV and they don’t even seem to notice. Looks like Pogacar has this set up very well for stage 16-18. The only question is whether or not he can ride Jonas off the wheel. I say it’s 50/50 since these climbs are shorter and steeper. I think Jonas looks scared and Pogacar has some serious fucking swagger. Can’t wait to watch and see if Pog can pull the comeback!
  11. Not including Pogacar, the UAE team got kind of exposed today, they were all burnt up. With Roglic looking pretty good, I’m thinking that when they get to the alps, Jumbo will start sending Roglic on the attack kind of early, like on the second to last mountain. Not that Roglic will beat Pogacar, but with only 2 minutes and change, Pogacar can’t afford to let him go. Pogacar’s team doesn’t seem good enough to chase down multiple attacks on long climbs, so Pogacar has to do it himself. Jonas can just sit in Pogacar’s wheel and then attack him on the final long climb in the heat. Probably won’t work because Pogacar is so strong, but there’s a chance that it could on a longer climb and Jonas could take over. If that happens, Pogacar can just limit his losses and win the time trial, but at least this race still has some potential to be entertaining.
  12. So he comes to shoot a politician, but wears his mask to help curb the spread of Covid.
  13. LOL - Nielson is great, but he’s not winning 2 tours anytime soon. UAE may “give” him the jersey tomorrow just so that they don’t have to deal with it, but it will be taken back in cruel fashion later on in the race.
  14. Pogacar humiliated Jumbo today. I think the Van Aert side show will always cost Jumbo any chance at the yellow jersey. What the fuck is Jumbo thinking coming in trying to protect 2 riders AND chase the green jersey…..AND spend all their energy trying to get WVA into that pointless break today. Jumbo needs to focus the strongest team in the world on one thing if they want to win the tour - beating Pogacar. They still might not be able to because Pogacar is one of the best talents ever to come along, but they sure won’t be able to with the poor team management. Jumbo must have realized they can’t beat Pogacar, so now they are just using WVA for all the exposure they can get.
  15. I’ve lived in a San Francisco Bay Area for several years and moved here for work. I always thought I would eventually move back to Texas, but ever since about 2016 I’m thinking fuck that! I’ll just stay out here for now.
  16. Maybe “The” will collect $1.4 million in NIL money and then transfer to Texas after 1 year.
  17. That 98 team could have hung with anyone in the country by the end of the season.
  18. I don’t know where I will be going, but I do know that I’ll sit around and blame Mack Brown....
  19. Man, I’ve been crushed all day since hearing about this shooting. I’m a Dad of two elementary age children and I can’t imagine what those parents are going through, my heart truly breaks for them. I blame Greg Abbott and the other fucking embarrassing Texas politicians for making it legal for an 18 year old to walk into a store and buy any gun of choice without any real requirements. I blame fucking Ted Cruz for taking more money from the NRA than anyone else. Being a 5th generation Texan, I never thought I would say this, but Fuck Texas. I happen to be living out of state due to my job, but I have always considered Texas home. I’m not sure I will ever move back unless things change. Greg Abbott - I hope you fall out of your fucking wheel chair and break your neck, rendering your arms useless too, but keeping you alive to know what’s happening. You goddamned crippled ass piece of shit. This blood is on your hands.
  20. What’s the difference between Madison Cawthorne and Daniel Figurelli? not much.......
  21. Horn Dogg


    Still fat. But let that fatass coach the defense.....or the whole team....or whatever. At least he’s not at at TCU anymore. I’m drunk. Does that count as a haiku?
  22. Madison Cawthorne is Daniel Figurelli minus the twitter fuckup and legs..
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