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Horn Dogg

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dogg

  1. Fuck Bohls. He’s been unacceptable for decades!
  2. RIP Greg This was the only thing the offense did that was worth a shit in that game. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n8dY1a1s8co
  3. I still watch that 80 yard TD vs OU in 2005 every so often! The Ramonce Taylor block on that big ass D-lineman was bad ass as well.
  4. Nominate for best thread of this bowl season.
  5. I would be more impressed if you were willing to kiss her.
  6. After about 6-7 beers I could have a hell of a time with that one!
  7. The NFL was fun every week this year. Never thought I would say that. College sucked ass this year.
  8. Location confirmed in case anyone wants to join Stoops after party.
  9. Stoops is ready for his post-game dick feast.
  10. 4th and 18....and yes it was 2004. I was there, it was cold as fuck and KU stadium sucks. We kind of got a bullshit call to help keep us in the game at the end and Mangina called the refs out in the press conference.
  11. I was thinking the same fucking thing.
  12. Merry Christmas all you goddamned Surly motherfuckers!
  13. When I saw the subject line, I thought I was going to have to come and say to would be funnier in MS Paint. But after reading the post I don’t think it can get better. LO Fucking L!
  14. By “not gay,” does that mean he fucks female sheep exclusively?
  15. Doesn’t work in SF Bay Area, the hills mess up the reception. Honestly, I don’t know hoe the fuck people watched TV out here before cable. That being said, fuck YouTube TV! I cancelled by subscription the second I got the email. Decided not to renew, looking for another alternative.
  16. She’s got some serious DSL’s. I’m in love!
  17. While I think some players are better than others, sitting on a message board shitting on these guys isn’t my place. Even the worst contributor on the team did more to try and help the Longhorns win that I did. Like most on here, I sit on my ass on the couch drinking beer during the games. Am I a passionate fan? Sure! But I don’t make the sacrifices like the players do to try and make Texas football successful. I’m pretty much good with any kid that decides to come to Texas over the other football programs. I agree that we need to get the best guys on the field and I would like to see a Texas team full of stone cold killers, but I leave the player evaluation to Sark and co and I appreciate the players for what they are.
  18. I consider Swoopes to be a great Longhorn. He wasn’t a great QB, but he put the team over himself and still came out and kicked ass every now and then even after he was benched. Swoopes there it is bitches!
  19. Sam’s gotta be happy to see him on the team.
  20. I woke up, saw the email, cancelled my subscription. The only reason I’ve ever used my YouTube tv account was for watching college football.
  21. Good luck Casey. Thanks for giving us your all and sticking around for as long as you did.
  22. I thought everybody on Surly makes $1MM+ per year and fucks 10’s all day long. Am I missing something?
  23. I wish this year would have been different for him on the field, but i can’t help but wish the dude good luck gong forward.
  24. Took the opportunity to neg the OP retroactively
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