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Horn Dogg

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dogg

  1. Auburn is beating Alabama right now.
  2. Lots of respect for Card today. Hopefully he can bring it home.
  3. That was some VY 4th and 18 vs Kansas shit by Card.
  4. I think Fatterson has erased all of my past hatred for him at this point.
  5. Bama is some PI committing motherfuckers.
  6. Alabama faking injuries to slow us down!
  7. Is this our plan for resting our defense?
  8. Right - Bijan has probably the biggest and fastest defense in the country all honing in on him.
  9. Fuck Gameday and fuck aggy.
  10. That’s fine, let aggy feel like they have some kind of control. Once we actually join the SEC, it won’t take long for aggy to re-learn who’s the boss and who’s the bitch.
  11. Yeah, but would you eat her pussy? I just got a text from the devil and he said he might undo his deal with Saban if you were willing to dive in on that tough ass muff.
  12. Maybe we can convince them to circle Austin in the motor home for a couple of days. They could drink margaritas and eat gas station burritos the whole way and you wouldn’t know the difference from last years shit show.
  13. That would be pretty bad ass for Alabama to lose on the last second to a guy named Auburn.
  14. Texas 24 Bama 20 Ewers 297 total yards aggy says “Bama didn’t want to be there anyways” Wulaw Horn reunites with the 3ft tall toothless chick that he met at the Arkansas game last year.
  15. Pre-game, during-game and post-game. Fuck the actual game!
  16. Aggy is going to live vicariously all week….
  17. I just can’t wait until we start kicking aggy’s ass again every year. I miss the sound of “poooooor aggys” filling DKR in the 3rd quarter.
  18. Wait until you see the amount of shit they are going to talk this week. Since they swing on Bama’s nuts when they can’t find success for themselves, they are going to treat this as if aggy was the one playing us next week. I wonder if they have to show the score of every Bama game to the dead Reville’s now?
  19. A lot of these people act like Casey came in and tried to lose just to fuck up all of our weekends. That kid hung around in a backup role most of his career just so that he could try and start at UT. He wanted to win, and he did a lot more to contribute to Texas winning than all these people who are bitching about him ever did. I wish it would have worked out differently, but I can’t dislike him just because he transferred somewhere else. He’s a Longhorn and always will be. Best of luck to Casey this season.
  20. Remember back when Reggie was better than Vince? Or when Dat was going to stop Ricky? Same aggy circus, same fucking clowns with some newer younger ones in training.
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