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Horn Dogg

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dogg

  1. I’m one of the few here that enjoy’s Zach Smith’s podcast from time to time. Dude is likely a POS, but I find his take on football interesting. He had a recent episode all about Urban Meyer. The key takeaway is that Urban overreacts to everything. He said that’s his best and worst trait as a head coach and that’s why he will never get respect from an NFL locker room.
  2. I’m one of those old desperate guys on Surly that would actually hit that. Most of the guys here have much higher standards!
  3. He’s certainly a breath of fresh air after hearing Mensa sit up there talking shit.
  4. Pretty soon he will be telling the aggy fan base to “SMD” and get in the portal LOL
  5. FCB was going on and on about Burnt Ends and the Pancake Factory in his podcast interview with Cade Brewer. He said mostly good things, but he called you guys out by name and you could tell he wasn’t very thrilled with you. Keep up the good work!
  6. I’m 44, I’m a man and shit. But I feel like I have a much different body than when I was in my 30’s and can’t even remember how durable I was in my 20’s. I’m just happy when my dick decides to wake up. I can imagine playing a young man’s game with over 20 years of wear and tear on my body. Brady is either cheating, alien, or eating stem cells. There’s no logical explanation. Fun to watch though!
  7. I’ll bet Roschon has the biggest dick of anybody on the team.
  8. I didn’t realize he was that big until I saw this picture. He looks fit as hell. Let’s get him a trans-am with T-tops to complete the look.
  9. But is he bringing some fucking Dr Pepper with him? That’s the main concern!
  10. Here my Gen X interpretation: WTW from Ewers - means I’m thinking about going to Texas BET from Worthy - means I’m a bad motherfucker Longhorn and you better get your ass here yesterday.
  11. You gotta love how even in the off-season Xavier Worthy is doing his damndest to help the team get better.
  12. It also helped that CJ Stroud’s shoulder got better.
  13. He must be feeding on baby fetuses or something, there’s no other logical explanation. I agree with your NFC analysis. I heard you like fat chicks. All good, can be fun!
  14. Can we please have a Thujone MS paint version of this whole Lincoln Riley/OU saga?
  15. So when do we start steamrolling motherfuckers again?
  16. Does that mean we shouldn’t get Ewers since Herman recruited him?
  17. Let’s make sure we can beat UTSA before we start talking shit.
  18. Did they have to show them lined up against Kansas and those fucking toucan looking helmets?
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