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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. I mean one could argue that the most fringe elements of the BDS movement tacitly supports that, but they constitute a very small percentage and pale miserably in comparison to their counterparts, which of course are Israeli Jews who get a woody thinking about a Greater Israel.
  2. Has nothing to do with the law.
  3. it’s not just their conduct inside of Israel that makes them an apartheid state, although that alone qualifies. There’s also the aspect of how they’ve militarily occupied the whole of the West Bank, the whole of Gaza, and the whole of East Jerusalem. Israel has not one atom of sovereignty over those area, but they pretend to vis a vis their actions. The label of “apartheid state” is just understood to mean both Israel and Palestine as both are defined by the pre-June 4 1967 borders. As to such conduct being necessary for survival, that’s absurd and any honest military expert would tell you that.
  4. Yeah, there aren't a lot of Texas fans who'd consider aggy the top rival, and those who do most likely started following the Horns between 1984-1994, a.k.a the decade where A&M FedExed itself into the conversation.
  5. Eighty five cents in a taxi from one end to the other. I'm...talking...small.
  6. That's actually a microcosm of American Jews in general. And you worded it perfectly, too. It's not so much that they suddenly support Palestinian self-determination, but their active support for the Zionist government has certainly become less active.
  7. In fact it couldn't be a "violent and brutal apartheid state" without the US.
  8. Right I mean NDSU managed to get in there...and it wasn't even a reference to the Nickel Trophy game, either.
  9. Right, I expect 16 to be used as a lever to arrive at 8 as well. I personally would like to see campus games in the quarters in the first place. Hell, I'd be in favor for the fucking semis to be at home venues too, but that's a pipe dream for another generation to deal with. I've never understood this issue and for the following reasons: 1. Regarding the NFL, they don't start the postseason until January the 15th. 2. Regarding the New Year's tradition...just don't have a fucking month-long layoff between regular and postseason. There has never been a demonstrated necessity for that. If anything, it's a detriment to the players to re-acclimate themselves to an actual competition environment. High schools don't wait for their playoff, neither do the pro's, neither do the other collegiate ranks. This is a stupid problem. 3. Let's suppose it's indeed 16 teams. Ok that's 4 rounds. Say they just start with the CCG's. [Ron White]Let's just say[/Ron White]. So that's: Round of 16-December 4th Round of 8-December 11th Round of 4-December 18th Bye-December 25th NCG-January 1st Not that fucking difficult as long as we stop pretending that it's just a given that FBS players are so physically (and mentally, for those who want to invoke the "FINAL EXAMS!" fallacy) delicate that they need to be taking 3-4 weeks off after CCG's. All these alleged "constraints" that FBS "faces" in making 8-16 a workable deal to be completed by New Year's are fictitious.
  10. Yep. I remember both those Oregon games quite well. That semi was the game where Jameis Winston slipped backwards and fumbled the living shit out of the ball for a scoop score for the Ducks. If you watch the replay, it looks like the returner and the blocker right next to him were saying to each other "...did that...really just happen?"
  11. Yeah they haven't made it since that time Washington got hammered by Bama. ousux is the only team west of the Mississippi River to qualify for the CFP since that 24-7 snoozefest.
  12. Yep. Confirmation bias being presented as a doctrine of unfalsifiability. Also known as "bullshit being presented as even bigger bullshit"
  13. https://www.nytimes.com/1986/11/12/us/north-carolina-baptists-sever-ties-to-wake-forest.html "North Carolina Baptists voted to sever formal ties to Wake Forest University today, ending decades of dispute over academic freedom and moral constraints at the church-related school. ''Why spend our resources to hold onto this empty shell?'' asked the Rev. M. O. Owens of Gastonia, N.C. ''Wake Forest long ago left the fold.''"
  14. You know, whenever you guys post some video tweet on this thread, the first sound that pops into my head is
  15. Exactly. The right to pray has never been fucked with in virtually any context. The obligation to pray has been, it should have been, and the fact that hardly any religitards can appreciate the difference speaks either to their ignorance (i.e. they can't see the difference) or their immorality (they see the difference but think they nonetheless should have that right to impose).
  16. I get in similar conversations when they prattle on about "they [whoever "they" are] outlawed prayer in school!" Who did? And what outlawing? The only prayer that's been outlawed is compulsory prayer, and that absolutely should be outlawed..and it also proves my point.
  17. Nah just a stupidity and laziness thing. They think they’re having a lively discussion about a concept that involves them manually switching clock hours twice a year.
  18. You say that at least partially in jest, but see, this is one of the many fairy tales that they tell themselves. In fact the shit that they believe is so all-encompassing and so anti-reality and anti-history that I'm at a point where my only response to their bullshit is...
  19. Me American, me am smart, me no laugh at Chinese part
  20. I should say that the one guy that didn't look like that was the president of the frat, who actually looked like he was counting on that to happen. But he then sprang into apologetics mode and said, and I quote, "fellas, this ain't about racism. It's about heritage."
  21. I was on the 40 acres in the mid 90s when the KAs were openly racist. No idea if they got banned to Bolivia or how much shit has changed. For example do all the little shits in Westlake choose Old Miss, Auburn etc for the "culture" that's now missing at UT? Couldn't answer w/r/t Westlake in specific, but that's exactly how it was at Midwestern State in the aforementioned year. I've no reason to believe it's changed one bit. Again, they have a fucking night every year where the guys dress like Ashley Wilkes in uniform and the girls dress like Scarlett O'Hara, and in this case, they did it on a property that looks like fucking Tara. And they had the nerve to look puzzled when the one black guy in our group walked out in the middle of their presentation during rush week. Just awful people.
  22. I mean given that they're celebrating some bullshit that took place in a 4 year span in the 1860's back when I was in college in 2003, I think it's pretty safe to say "yes, they still do that shit."
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