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Everything posted by tchookem

  1. "I don't want you to make my kids feel the way I've made your kids feel." Do you think she actually meant it?
  2. But Trump will be reinstated before 2024.
  3. Because it's a bullshit non-solution. Look, as long as they know the difference between a clip and a magazine, these people will be fine.
  4. @Don Johnson defending problematic historic memorabilia. Hmmmm.
  5. Seriously, what kind of shit human do you have to be when you have the kind of money that will fund college tuition for an entire urban school district, and you instead use it to buy Nazi artifacts that you keep in your study and show-off to other rich people?
  6. If a boot is licked on the internet and nobody sees it, does it get wet?
  7. I think the worker tells him he's grinding the metal and he tells him is to "keep it out my face".
  8. You're right, of course. Like Perry and his Texas Seccession comments during the Obama presidency. I forget that in order to be a piece of shit, you have to be full of shit.
  9. Millions of visitors from around the world... and their image of his state outside of WDW will be a prison. Genius.
  10. What catches my attention is that she's not concerned about doing the right thing, or going to an unpopular extreme. Her concern is that they're going too far and they'll lose power.
  11. Where they've always been, grifting the supporters and fleecing the taxpayer, just without the facade of decency and self-delusion of principle.
  12. Kids may not say the pledge, not because they don't have the opportunity, but because they choose not to... as is their right under the 1st Amendment.
  13. Best quote "I've been called racist and misogynist more in last 2 months than I have my entire life." So you've been called that before... just not this much?
  14. I'm about to go full brisket here... It wouldn't make a shit. Someone could pull a full-on Fight Club Operation Mayhem coordinated attack on both houses of Congress, SCOTUS, and every Fortune 500 CEO. The next day they'd fortify their houses and hire more security for the replacements. America simply loves guns more than it loves Americans.
  15. I only saw that from him when people labeled him as part of the problem or being a "dangerous person" (I think that was label Rush, or Tucker, or Hannity gave him). I thought his response of "I'm have no power, the dangerous people are the ones making decisions." was quite fair. And if anyone has a problem with his delivery, they obviously haven't seen his Lindsey G impression. EDIT: Others beat me to it.
  16. No kidding. In Texas the governor is releasing murderers before they get sentenced.
  17. She left Ted because he was always so positive... almost to the point of toxicity. He never complained, he never expressed anger. When he oh-so gently told her that he was not happy about her new relationship was probably the worst argument they ever had. I think that smile was her seeing growth in Ted and genuine happiness for him becoming a whole person.
  18. Nining Armor... he used to be a shite.
  19. Zava finds him when he gets open for the biggest goal in AFC Richmond history. I am glad that Zava isn't a complete asshole (stealing Jamie's goal aside).
  20. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cqa5TEws3SI/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
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