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Everything posted by tchookem

  1. He won't. Because the cult will be distracted by this... Not trying to insinuate that you're part of the cult. Your point is valid, but I've already witnessed it being used as a pivot away from holding Trump accountable.
  2. John Carter is my rep.
  3. Eye don't catch your meaning.
  4. Anybody else get a letter from this guy? It's four pages railing against socialism and ending with asking me to give money to the RNC. I'm guessing it was sent out before the $2Trillion socialism package was being discussed/approved.
  5. Yeah. Pulling the curtain back before we give you money. Disgusting.
  6. A Trumpist complaining about identity politics... rich. Tucker looks like someone asked him to do long division. I'll take whatever that is over the naked corruption of the Senate bailouts.
  7. They know that no matter what, they will be fine. They will be taken care of medically if it happens to them, they will be taken care of financially after it goes to shit. The only thing they have to do is keep the grift going.
  8. Once people start putting signs in the yard, I'm thinking that the DNC could start offering "Former Republican" stickers that people could add to their yard signs. I'd pay a couple extra bucks for one.
  9. Trump has poisoned the discussion to the point that any positive thing BO says is throwing shade at the current administration. Look for Trump ro respond with overt bullshit.
  10. They never should have let Tia Marias go out of business.
  11. Short answer: when the politicians allowed money lenders into the student loan game, they also let the money lenders make the rules.
  12. I tell my students that if it was about southern pride, they'd put a mason jar of sweet tea on the flag.
  13. Thre little girl that got a scholarship didn't even go to a "failing public school". She goes to a charter school. https://time.com/5780459/state-of-the-union-school-choice-charter-school/
  14. I don't know that many people are worried about "how many" as they are worried about "who". With Trump, I think you'd agree it's a valid concern.
  15. Something... something... heads on pikes.
  16. I'm gonna flash them Joe! I am gonna flash them! I am gonna walk down that stinkin' aisle, I am gonna open this faggot bathrobe and wiggle my dick at 'em!
  17. If only he was able to turn around and walk away from this.
  18. It's like Inception except he's incepting his future self while sitting on the shitter.
  19. Unfortunately, the POTUS is part of both those percentages.
  20. So where do you find these hilarious memes? I simply MUST know.
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