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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. Texas renn fest has a good bowl at the Polish cafe (reportedly run by Polonia restaurant in Houston). Also Paulanner on tap.
  2. Yep. Decided to make a batch today. Braised in the oven to get some browning on top
  3. the only thing i would want to visit iowa for is el assico pounding busch lights with @Al_4_ISU
  4. fuck you eagles for giving us a happy, swaggering baker mayfield texans?
  5. things that iowans should really care about:
  6. Know what's good on a cold night? Naoch
  7. does viral marketing work? just did!
  8. twitters think russia lost some important airplanes
  9. i thought you were referencing the patches on the uniforms, but that was NKH (wasn't paying enough attention to remember the initials)
  10. how have y'all not learned the board embeds the entire timeline yet @Gil Bang fix your post
  11. the owners putting monuments to their dead family members on the uniforms is just dressing up your toy soldiers for billionaires.
  12. 94 on the D line was getting held bad but the call is on the D in the backfield. should have been offsetting at best.
  13. seems like the lower bowl is mostly full. upper might be half full.
  14. announcers talking about NFL playoff "seeds." the NFL playoffs are not seeded. the NFL playoffs are determined by record and a few tie breakers that largely involve record. there is no seeding process. seeding is when a committee sits around and picks who plays who based on eye tests and formulas because there's not enough matches or games between the contenders to use something like records, head to head, net points scored, etc. it's used for tennis tournaments and the NCAA tournament.
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