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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. wish i had thujone's baker mayfield jpg for that
  2. there's a big chunk of americans that had to be dragged kicking and screaming to fight the nazis.
  3. this guy has totally busted through his peter principle ceiling
  4. Yes they sell Michelin. Nitrogen is snake oil. Does your wife set out your clothes for you too?
  5. i too had over 5 gigs of mp3s
  6. if you own a bicycle you probably have all the tools you need to inflate your tires.
  7. read this on windows 11 news the other day. there's a(n?) historical marker next to the sugarloaf bridge you can read on google maps which explains some of the history.
  8. Brown’s bullpen moves > Bagwell’s bullpen moves
  9. Is this good? This seems good.
  10. https://www.amazon.com/Secret-War-Mexico-Mexican-Revolution/dp/0226425886/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=
  11. i'm old enough to remember when oil companies wanted courts to defer to the reasonable interpretation of regulators because courts are full of dumbshit lawyers who don't know shit about fuck whereas regulators tend to have subject matter expertise.
  12. Texas renn fest has a good bowl at the Polish cafe (reportedly run by Polonia restaurant in Houston). Also Paulanner on tap.
  13. Yep. Decided to make a batch today. Braised in the oven to get some browning on top
  14. the only thing i would want to visit iowa for is el assico pounding busch lights with @Al_4_ISU
  15. fuck you eagles for giving us a happy, swaggering baker mayfield texans?
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