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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. i made an observation and you decided to go condescending know-it-all. a friendly reminder: not every reply is a retort.
  2. yes, imaginary things can have awful real world consequences. where exactly do you think what i've wrote says they don't?
  3. hey, a bunch of humans drawing lines on maps to control people (and capital, and goods). and no shit nafta is about making companies richer. that's why the border with mexico is pretty wide open as far as goods and capital go. you're just reinforcing what i've written.
  4. NAFTA is about the flow of goods across the US-Mexico border. you know, that third thing in my post about the border with mexico that you quoted. you're going full anastasis right now.
  5. can you just say what the fuck you mean
  6. not sure what a soviet-german nonagression pact has to do with NAFTA and the near complete lack of capital controls in the US.
  7. the border is a human make believe that exists to control people, capital, and goods. it's pretty damn wide open for the latter two of those three things, at least as far as mexico goes. much more so than for people.
  8. you're a coyote in mexico looking for business, you show people video of ted cruz and greg abbott saying the border is open and no shit they'll believe it.
  9. none of the examples you've used so far are begging the question, commentators.
  10. when autocorrect changes "its" to "it's" and then has the gall to put a squiggly line underneath because "its" is the correct word.
  11. Also king of housing https://www.marketplace.org/2023/12/19/housing-construction-was-expected-to-fall-in-november-instead-it-surged/
  12. Bahrain taking full control of McLaren https://www.gpfans.com/en/f1-news/1009939/f1-mclaren-group-sold-bahrain-state-huge-deal/
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